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Re: Can you help...In Search Of...
Nov 24, 2006, 19:21
You bet ya, with bells on :)

Yeah, there are a few Tripod Jimmy tracks on the Ubu Box, but i couldn't find the whole album for love nor money. Had the 'mirror on my wall' track on an old Peel tape from 83/4?, but that and Autumn Leaves were all i could find. Think they released a few albuns, but the Long Walk Off A Short Pier was the one i wanted.
Still, thanks to Stevo, i'm a very happy bunny.

Check out the Prolapse album on The blogsite Stevo posted, it's ace. Kinda like a post punk stereolab in parts.
Apparently produced by Donald (Donneye) Ross Skinner, and he played keyboards on a few tracks too.
1 posts

Re: Can you help...In Search Of...
May 23, 2008, 23:31
Tripod Jimmie drummer Glenn Reynolds here. "Long Walk off A Short Pier" was released with previous drummer Roger Prehoda. The album was recorded on a cassette player on a pier on Lake Erie. After the band relocated to California, I replaced Prehoda and pushed the band more in a funk direction. We released "Warning to All Strangers" a few years later. "Unclaimed Freight", released years later, contains the songs that were to make up our next album after "Warning". The recording of these songs was done at my home, in our own studio. The tracks were essentially practice takes of what would have been a studio project elsewhere. I like to think the songs are good. You can find the CD of Unclaimed Freight online, sold by our bass player Lenny Bove.

Tom Herman did a few stints again with Pere Ubu following our demise.

Email me with questions.
Glenn Reynolds
2 posts

Re: Can you help...In Search Of...
Jun 20, 2008, 03:52
tripodjimmie wrote:
Tripod Jimmie drummer Glenn Reynolds here. "Long Walk off A Short Pier" was released with previous drummer Roger Prehoda. The album was recorded on a cassette player on a pier on Lake Erie.

Wow! I am thrilled to read that bit of information about "Long Walk..."
That album has remained in my personal favorites list for years now, still sees a weekly spin or two on my turntable. Sadly I have never found a copy of "Warning to All Strangers," nor have I ever heard it, although with the internet now, my chances of finding a copy have dramatically improved I suppose. Thanks for your post, Mr. Reynolds!

Monganaut, your original post is what caused me to join the forum tonight. I have recently ripped my copy of "Long Walk..." on to the pc. If you like me to send you a copy, email me and I would be happy to send it to you as I do not know what this forums policy is regarding links to OOP downloads.
Hopefully, Mr. Reynolds does not find this objectionable due to it's obscurity. If so, please let me know and I will gladly rescind my offer. I am not here to piss anyone off.

853 posts

Re: Can you help...In Search Of...
Jun 20, 2008, 11:02
Or you could download IZarc.

That's free forever.
2057 posts

Re: Can you help...In Search Of...
Jun 20, 2008, 11:17
Yeah its just nag ware. It'll flash up a 'please buy me' everytime you use it but it wont stop working.
Sir John Dunn
Sir John Dunn
530 posts

Re: Can you help...In Search Of...
Jun 20, 2008, 20:39
Tripod Jimmie? Gimme, gimme, gimme.....
9547 posts

Re: Can you help...In Search Of...
Jun 21, 2008, 01:53
IZarc rules!
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