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Classical Music
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4257 posts

Re: Classical Music
May 27, 2005, 22:20
Evening dear!, Are you up for evaluating relics then? Albania (south) is fantastic, We can't believe we actually went there. ( so sorry for stupid thread on HH but eurovision was on and when we saw norway we thought of you, alcohol was involved) xxxxxx
alan lake soon
349 posts

Re: Classical Music
May 27, 2005, 23:00
I'm listening to it now. Gorecki Symphony no 3. the version with Dawn Upshaw. Classical music for people who (quite sensibly) don't like 'classical music'.

I'll copy it for you if you want to drop me an e-mail

4257 posts

Re: Classical Music
May 27, 2005, 23:11
:-) you monkey, xx can also give u quote on a good electrician! xxxxxxx
Jim Tones
Jim Tones
5142 posts

May 28, 2005, 02:22
>coz you're 11 months older than me

11 years you mean

You really should not drink and type young lady

4257 posts

Re: OOPS!>
May 28, 2005, 02:52
No sweetheart 11mnths is correct. xx And your still older than me. lol xx
Fitter Stoke
Fitter Stoke
2616 posts

Re: Classical Music
May 29, 2005, 00:19
From someone who spends over half of his (already over the average) listening time listening to classical music, I would suggest...

...wait for it...


Yes. IMHO there's no finer collection of notes in the history of the world. Give it a go - in its entirety - and tell me I'm wrong.

Rock and roll, circa the first decade of the 19th century. And never equalled until 'Raw Power'!
Earl Mallard
Earl Mallard
555 posts

Re: Ludwig Van Halen
May 29, 2005, 01:05
Noah Vale
Noah Vale
299 posts

Re: Classical Music
May 29, 2005, 11:07
If you're a fiq fuq then Mozart will help. Nice pretty tunes up & down the scales all day If however you are already quite brainy the Bach is your man.
982 posts

Re:Fitter, please help
May 31, 2005, 03:53
I enjoy the odd bit of classical but never know which of the myriad combos of conductor, orchestra, recording venue, label to get. Despite the fact that the subtleties will probably be lost on me is there any version that you would particularly recommend ?

Cheers, Mark
Earl Mallard
Earl Mallard
555 posts

Re: Classical Music
May 31, 2005, 19:37
Yep, me iz a fik fuq so i gots me some mosart, gonna stick it on now and 'ting.....

Yeh, blood, mez feelin' it alreedy...

I's gots to say, this mozart... it really has got transformational powers. I can already feel improvements in my memory and awareness. It is truely an innovative and experimental use of music. I have improved my listening and have less attention deficit disorders. I will now use this music for imagery and visualization, to activate creativity, and reduce depression and anxiety. Brilliant.
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