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Possible ancient cairn on Carnferg, Aberdeenshire?
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Edited Nov 13, 2023, 13:14
Possible ancient cairn on Carnferg, Aberdeenshire?
Nov 13, 2023, 13:10
Hi folks, hope all is well with everyone.

I've been meaning to ask if anyone knew of a possible old cairn at the top of Carnferg, a hill in Aberdeenshire, south of the river Dee near Aboyne (NO 52221 93346)?

I visited a few months back for a windy sunset. There's a modern tall pyramid at summit but underneath looks to be the large footprint of a possible ancient cairn?

I can't remember if I have mentioned this before? Maybe Drew has been up to look?

Probably just wishful thinking but there are few old cairns round here. It's not far from Pressendye, Morven etc.

I've posted a short video of the cairn, gives an idea of the footprint. It was a windy day so I didn't video for long!


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