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2392 posts

Re: Pub Rock
Mar 18, 2013, 17:31
Thanks for the input

Have now heard :

Eggs Over Easy - Good 'n' Cheap
Ducks Deluxe - st
Help Yourself - st

all good IMHO

np - Bees Make Honey - Music Every Night
3378 posts

Re: Pub Rock
Mar 18, 2013, 17:49
1001realapes wrote:
Thanks for the input

Have now heard :

Eggs Over Easy - Good 'n' Cheap
Ducks Deluxe - st
Help Yourself - st

all good IMHO

np - Bees Make Honey - Music Every Night

all great, becoming OOP

would definitely recommend all Help Yourself and the 2-3 resultant solo albums

while not pub rock per se,
these fit in an organic rustic Band/early Traffic way:

National Headband S/T
Home S/T and Pause For a Hoarse Horse
Cochise all three
778 posts

Re: Pub Rock
Mar 18, 2013, 18:18
Stuart Maconie told this great story on the Freak Zone last night about how his copy of Amon Duul II "Dance of the Lemmings" was mis-pressed with Brinsley Schwarz on side 4. He spent a good deal of his youth thinking Amon Duul II were schizo pub-rockers.
Fitter Stoke
Fitter Stoke
2617 posts

Edited Mar 18, 2013, 18:38
Re: Pub Rock
Mar 18, 2013, 18:36
I've got that Cincinatti Fatback comp on Proper: it's good, but doesn't include many of the original recordings that made their first album 'Play It By Ear' so memorable. I wish someone would reissue that, as that's the real Roogalator deal. I wouldn't swap my battered old Do It LP for a king's ransom.

Talking of old Stiff bands, I'd like to mention Plummet Airlines. They only did one 45 ('Silver Shirt'/'This Is The World') but it was a belter, and I recall a fine Peel session by them that I'd love to hear again: anyone out there got a copy? Lew Lewis Reformer were fantastic as well: real gritty Southend R&B of the highest order. Check out the first 45 'Boogie On The Street' and the later debut LP 'Save The Wail'

Otherwise, you can't go past the Brinsleys - the true kings of the pub rock scene in my book. All six of their LPs were great. They're still available as three 2CD sets on BGO, and they sound fabulous: music to put a big smile on the chops. Don't just settle for a compilation.
Squid Tempest
Squid Tempest
8769 posts

Re: Pub Rock
Mar 18, 2013, 20:00
ricky nadir wrote:
Squid Tempest wrote:
How about some Count Bishops?

I really love the first Count Bishops on Chiswick although it is very simple R'n'B but true to the heart.

Also recommended:
Legend - Red Boot Album
Legend - Moonshine
Kursaal Flyers - Golden Mile (produced in cinemascope by Mike Batt)

Good albums to have a beer (or two) ;-)

Ahh, one more. There were several really good singles by Lew Lewis on Stiff.
Have them in my 45-box somewhere.

Agree re Count Bishops, but it is true pub rock that album, isn't it? Sweaty, beer sodden and rough round the edges.
369 posts

Re: Pub Rock
Mar 18, 2013, 20:11
Squid Tempest wrote:
naughtynige wrote:

Cheese cloth almost mandatory.

And there's the perfect title for the sampler!

Haha! Absolutely!

Remember the ads in the back pages of the music press back then for loon pants and stars and stripes tee shirts? I remember one for cheese cloth shirts "for the mouse in your life."
Fitter Stoke
Fitter Stoke
2617 posts

Re: Pub Rock
Mar 18, 2013, 20:14
And talking of the Brinsleys and their various spin offs, there's a very decent new album by Graham Parker and the Rumour just out called 'Three Chords Good'. I'm playing it right now.

And wasn't it good last weekend seeing that old Sight & Sound show again after all these years? That was my introduction to the GP and the Rumour that set my 16 year old self scurrying around for their first two LPs. Those two records, 'Stupidity' and 'Teenage Depression' really cleared the pathway for what was to follow. Good times. I just wish I'd had the nous to buy 'So It Goes' when it first came out.
3075 posts

Re: Pub Rock
Mar 18, 2013, 20:28
I was a Yachts fan, me...if they qualify. Ditto Sutherland Brothers and Quiver. Kokomo were always fun, as were Chilli Willi.
ricky nadir
ricky nadir
78 posts

Edited Mar 18, 2013, 20:50
Re: Pub Rock
Mar 18, 2013, 20:49
Fitter Stoke wrote:
Those two records, 'Stupidity' and 'Teenage Depression' really cleared the pathway for what was to follow. Good times.

How I loved "On the run" from "Teenage Depression". Paul Gray doing slides on the Rickenbacker Bass makes me shiver. Their first single "Writing on the wall" and the "Live @ Marquee-EP" are also very nice.
Fitter Stoke
Fitter Stoke
2617 posts

Re: Pub Rock
Mar 18, 2013, 21:23
Oh aye, 'On The Run' is a great song, and what a riff as well. Still thrills after all these years. Bloody underrated band in the overall scheme of things, are the Hot Rods.
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