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Dog 3000
Dog 3000
4611 posts

Re: overrated guitarists
Feb 18, 2008, 21:04
Pretty much agree on all points.

They did have the funk around 1965-1972, even if it was borrowed. Though not as much as CCR if ya ask me . . .

Popel Vooje
5374 posts

Edited Feb 24, 2008, 03:43
Feb 18, 2008, 21:06
He was a bloody great songwriter before the smack got him by the balls too. By Mck's own admission, Keef used to write nearly all the music in the Stones ... until after "Exile on Main Street", when other members had to take over because the latter was too incapacitated to come up with anything other than the odd half-formed riff. Co-incidentally, the Stones went shite at around the same time. Funny, that.
Dog 3000
Dog 3000
4611 posts

Edited Feb 18, 2008, 21:19
Blackmore seconded
Feb 18, 2008, 21:13
Oh yeah Richie "Hackmore" -- massively overrated in my opinion.

Several of his "original" tunes are borrowed from other folks (I forget the title, but one early Purple tune lifts the riffs from "Little Wing", and there's another obvious one that I am also forgetting!)

In general, his style is sloppy and mindless. His fingers go very fast, but as Lester Bangs said of Keith Emerson "his trained fingers might as well be trained seals."

Those epic workouts on "Mandrake Root" and "Wring That Neck" et al are excercises in extreme tedium!!! It's so maximal that it's almost minimalist art music (thinking specifically of a live in Scandanavia tape where Blackmore & Paice play as fast as they can on one dull riff for 20 minutes -- that's not music, it's calithenics!)
Dog 3000
Dog 3000
4611 posts

Re: Jimi Hendrix
Feb 18, 2008, 21:18
In a similar fashion to the "Jimmy Page Is Overrated" argument above, you could also say that Hendrix "only" made 3 studio records that were any good.

But I would rather judge a Hendrix or Page on their career highlights than their lack of follow-up.

It's pretty much impossible to make your career as a "revolutionary" anyway (and both of these guys were, for studio technique as much as instrumental ability.)
7087 posts

Re: overrated guitarists
Feb 18, 2008, 21:21
John Squire.
keith a
9596 posts

Re: overrated guitarists
Feb 18, 2008, 22:22
Dog 3000 wrote:
[quote="keith a"]
Also, as a musician, I have never understood guitar players going on and on about that guy. I think you "had to be there" in the 60's-70's (I don't know what younger folks' excuse is -- I mean, worship Hendrix or Thruston Moore or Helen Wiggin or anybody who was original! Why be a third-hand imitator?) See also IanB's comments below, which I agree with totally (and then some.)

I'm sorry. Once people start using the 'as a musician' argument I lose interest.

Regardless of whether you like Keef or not, if you can't recognise he took his influences and came up with his own sound from them, then...well...I can't be arsed arguing about it.

I can't stand Brian May, but I wouldn't dispute anyone saying he had his own sound.
2563 posts

Re: overrated guitarists
Feb 18, 2008, 22:28
keith a wrote:

I can't stand Brian May, but I wouldn't dispute anyone saying he had his own sound.

Didn't his dad make his geetah out of a sideboard?

Dog 3000
Dog 3000
4611 posts

Re: overrated guitarists
Feb 18, 2008, 23:40
If you told me to play a "Keef riff" I would just play three chords in a shuffle rhythm with a bit of fuzz. I guess my point is that I can't really tell his style from "generic 50's rock" as played by Mr. Berry or anyone else. I really don't hear the "distinctive" part -- but as I said earlier, I don't listen to much old-timey bloozy music cuz it all sounds the same to me anyway!

In a way, Stones were the ultimate 50's band (Elvis badass wiggle taken to the extreme) -- whereas the Beatles were the birth of the 60's archetype (all "arty" and serious & stuff.)

This difference is sometimes referred to as "rock & roll" vs. "Rock" (with a self-important capital R). I guess I'm just a "Rocker" not a "rock & roller"!
3378 posts

Re: Jimi Hendrix
Feb 19, 2008, 02:54
I agree people always miss his playing from the context of songwriting, and using the studio as a compositional tool.

He was always very gracious to other guitarists, but took none of them seriously as the whole package(e.g. Clapton, Beck, Page, Green, etc.) because he felt they could not touch him rhythmically. He was proud of his years on the chitlin circuit, because it was his school. He learned technique, stagecraft, and showmanship.
Popel Vooje
5374 posts

Re: Blackmore seconded
Feb 23, 2008, 14:47
If you haven't already heard it - don't ever subject yourself to "Concerto For Group and Orchestra", as it's even worse than any of their regular albums. If there was a real-life source for Spinal Tap's "Jazz Oddyssey" I reckon this must have been it. It's so atrociously dated that it's actually quite laugh-out-loud funny in places. Imagine a Uriah Heep album and the soundtrack for a "Tom and Jerry" cartoon being played at the same time (except that that description probably makes it sound more interesting than it actually is).
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