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Edited May 03, 2017, 18:27
Re: Buddha’s birthday
May 03, 2017, 18:26
Sanatana Dharmist me. Syncretic. Beads, forests, horns, temples. mountains, stones,supermarket aisles, modern head scratchings, befuddlements, let go, rivers, sleepy wasp dharma enjoyment and worry so turn the pillow, return from occasional dark washing machine mind dreams via the akashic spin cycle, for a while and YES, and back again. You have clean astral socks and underpants. Strut forth groovy. It's all in yer Head.
John Rice
John Rice
38 posts

Edited May 03, 2017, 19:39
Re: Another Election
May 03, 2017, 19:35
I'm not a fan of the modern Labour party, but as a friend of mine posted to social media yesterday...

"Diane Abbott messes up an interview and it means Labour aren't fit to govern. Theresa May messes up the entire country, and it means the tories are".
6262 posts

Re: Another Election
May 03, 2017, 19:58
The press is getting exactly the reaction it sought, which is to get readers frothing at the inability of Labour. Notice how little attention is paid to the policy itself, and in any case Ms Abbott is not the shadow chancellor. If they got into office it would be the Treasury civil servants who would tasked with costing it and finding the money, not the Home Secretary.

What did we actually learn, if you strip out the focus on the delivery of the message? That Labour want to replenish the ranks of a ludicrously stretched and cut service. The 10,000 extra officers envisaged is less than half of the numbers that have been cut by this government, which makes the policy seem perfectly reasonable. And although Amber Rudd was invited to comment on Abbott's performance, she wasn't similarly pressed to provide any information on the Tories' policy on the same subject, or on the cuts they have inflicted on the police in the first place, which Labour would only halfway restore if they implemented the policy.

The media manipulation is there for all to see, if they'd pause and consider the substance rather than the sideshow.
3615 posts

Edited May 03, 2017, 22:49
Re: Another Election
May 03, 2017, 21:44
Ethericat wrote:
tjj wrote:
Ethericat wrote:
A lot of her sentences these days fall along the deranged lines of 'all brexit voters are horrible racists and nazis', and when challenged, she visibly deflates into a corner of sulk with no adequate intelligent response.

I can't say I've ever heard her say those things but then I don't scrutinize her that closely. She was loyal to Jeremy Corbyn when much of the Shadow Cabinet turned on him - Corbyn feels clearly loyal in return. I can't imagine that he would validate the use of such emotive language - I certainly don't think along those lines either. Sadly I suspect a lot of Brexit voters would have voted the other way if the current turmoil could have been foreseen. A large percentage of them were just ordinary people who believed what they were fed at the time. No doubt a small percentage may well harbour dislike of foreigners where ever they're from.

I was being slightly sarcastic but accurate re. her usual Question Time etc rhetoric, and as for 'fed at the time' ? Does that also apply to The Fear bull re leaving ? Some friends/relatives of mine were pro Remain but are now having doubts at the latest posturing outrageous threats from Juncker, others not. As for turmoil, it's called change. We ride it. History, and no doubt a small percentage of remain voters harbour an irrational prejudiced dislike of those that disagree with them?

Ethericat, you were the one who introduced the words 'racism' and 'nazi' into the discussion - I was pointedly careful not to use those words, even though it is a recorded fact that racist attacks increased considerably after the referendum results. I haven't watched Question Time for some time so can't refute what you say as such. Perhaps Dianne Abbott was thinking about her colleague Jo Cox who was murdered in cold blood by a racist. Jo Cox, I'm sure you will agree, was a good person who stood up for the people in her constituency whatever their race, colour or creed. Her murder is what I define as Hate - not disagreeing with someone on a forum.
5386 posts

Edited May 04, 2017, 08:45
Re: Another Election
May 03, 2017, 22:24
jb lamptoast-morsley wrote:
I watched the interview which made Diane Abbott listen to her poor performance. Which seemed perverse in itself. My reaction was that it was completely over the top. She's only human - remind me never to become a politician. The female presenter was so unpleasant. It is this side of things in politics that really turns me off - much like the behaviour in the House of Commons and Theresa May's haughty and condescending expressions every time Jeremy Corbyn speaks.

Yes, the interviewer was unrelenting, good on her. So many politicians spout so much waffle that someone’s got to hold their feet to the fire. John Humphries does it practically every day on the radio. You can’t just let politicians off the hook by saying ‘they’re only human’. Can you imagine Diane Abbott as Secretary for Brexit; she’d probably end up giving Michel Barnier and the EU two hundred billion Euros instead of the one hundred billion it’s now being suggested we owe them. Cobblers. Someone should remind Angela Merkel that -

“As a result of the Nazi German occupation, much of Greece was subjected to enormous destruction of its industry (80% of which was destroyed), infrastructure (28% destroyed), ports, roads, railways and bridges (90%), forests and other natural resources (25%) and loss of civilian life (7.02% - 11.17% of its citizens). The occupying Nazi regime forced Greece to pay the cost of the Nazi occupation in the country and requisite raw materials and food for the occupation forces, creating the conditions for the Great Famine. Furthermore, in 1942, the Greek Central Bank was forced by the occupying Nazi regime to loan 476 million Reichsmarks at 0% interest to Nazi Germany.

“After the war, in 1960, Greece accepted 115 million Marks from West Germany as compensation for Nazi crimes. Nevertheless, past Greek governments have insisted that this was only a down-payment, not complete reparations. In 1990, immediately prior to German reunification, West Germany and East Germany signed the Two Plus Four Agreement with the former Allied countries of the United States, United Kingdom, France, and the Soviet Union, but not Greece. Since that time, Germany has unilaterally insisted that all matters concerning World War II, including further reparations to Greece, are closed.” (Wiki).

Given the interest accruing on the remaining German debt to Greece the former owes the latter mega-bucks. Is it paying up? Is it feck. Instead it’s turning the economic screw on Greece and, as I said above, allowing it to bear the brunt of the immigration problem.

We’re beginning to see the nasty face of the EU starting to show itself. Mark my words, it’ll show itself to be even nastier.
6262 posts

Re: Another Election
May 03, 2017, 22:35
Littlestone wrote:
We’re beginning to see the nasty face of the EU starting to show itself. Mark my words, it’ll show itself to be even nastier.

Again, your strings are being pulled by the media and the Tory election strategy. UK votes to leave, EU tells UK what the negotiating parameters are, UK cries foul. May is now claiming that the EU is attempting to fix the election. The election that she called, completely unnecessarily. She has positioned this so that can be seen to be standing up to the evil foreigners.

The Abbott interview - again, it's being used to distract from the lack of any transparent Tory policy. What is the Conservative policy on policing? What did you learn from Amber Rudd about the Tory policy? Nothing at all. What do we already know is the Tory policy? Cut the service.

Both of these tactics are textbook Lynton Crosby and you're being played exactly as planned.
5386 posts

Re: Another Election
May 03, 2017, 22:40
No, tsc, yet again your replies are 'selective'. Please address my main point that Germany is reneging on its outstanding debts to Greece.
6262 posts

Re: Another Election
May 03, 2017, 22:47
Why? My reply is about this general election and the way the campaign is being run, which is the subject of the thread. I don't see that I need to respond to your posts line by line, any more than you do to mine or anyone else's.

Feel free make your own points about Greece but not sure how that's on topic.
5386 posts

Re: Another Election
May 03, 2017, 22:56
thesweetcheat wrote:
Why? My reply is about this general election and the way the campaign is being run, which is the subject of the thread. I don't see that I need to respond to your posts line by line, any more than you do to mine or anyone else's.

Feel free make your own points about Greece but not sure how that's on topic.

The subject of the thread is about the General Election, and Brexit is very much part of that subject. So too is the history of Europe and the EEC/EU. You might want to consider that history before engaging in any further exchanges on the ‘subject’.
6262 posts

Re: Another Election
May 04, 2017, 06:46
I have, just as I did when I replied to your point about Yugoslavia. The point is this is a discussion board and people can choose to read and reply to whatever they wish. It's not down to you to set the agenda that I must follow, or vice versa. You want to talk about Greece, fine. I don't.

As I said several times, in my opinion Brexit is a smokescreen and this unnecessary election is simple opportunism from May. She is using classic Lynton Crosby tactics but you don't want to hear that maybe you're being manipulated by the media.
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