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George Galloway on Question Time in Finchley
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Edited Feb 06, 2015, 17:47
Re: George Galloway on Question Time in Finchley
Feb 06, 2015, 17:45
Thanks for the points you've made (Sin Agog and Spencer too).

It’s hard to believe there are less than 300,000 British Jews in this country. I lived and worked in the Finchley area of London for several years where the Jewish community was prominent – never in anything but a beneficial way. Their whole culture, by and large, is about education and achievement. An older Jewish man in the audience also made the point that George Galloway had taken someone to task on radio programme for expressing anti-Semitic sentiment. He has always been a voice for the Palestinian people in the face of Israeli aggression, in that I respect him. His point about Islamophobia is also spot on. There far more Muslims living in this country than there are Jews who, in London anyway, generally live around the leafy suburbs of Finchley and Barnet. I found the debate helpful, GG held his ground as he always does. If there is going to be a QT coming from Finchley with George Galloway on the panel, it stands to reason there will be a large percentage of articulate and vocal Jewish Londoners in the audience because that is where they live.
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