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George Galloway on Question Time in Finchley
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George Galloway on Question Time in Finchley
Feb 06, 2015, 10:44
This was disturbing and steps outside the usual QT commentary - George Galloway comes close to being attacked by the mainly young Jewish audience. Jonathan Freedland, Editor of the Guardian also speaks. A very heated discussion about the conflation between Israel and Jewishness.

Sin Agog
Sin Agog
2253 posts

Edited Feb 06, 2015, 12:03
Re: George Galloway on Question Time in Finchley
Feb 06, 2015, 11:43
I like 'im, and as a dewd whose Jewish great-granddad scarpered from Germany to Canada, I find it extremely...galling how the anti-Jewish defamation league and various internal Israeli news networks have set the terms of the debate to: say anything against Israel and you're an anti-Semite. People talk about what a complicated, tangled web the modern world is, but I think in some regards it's actually fairly simple, and this so-called complexity is used to mask horrible acts under the guise of, "It's complicated". Right now I'm reading Joe Sacco's bit of comic-journalism from the early '90s, Palestine. Most Palestinian families had various family members who'd been kidnapped from their homes, tortured, or just disappeared off the face of the Earth, and that still goes down now. It's complicated.
Sin Agog
Sin Agog
2253 posts

Re: George Galloway on Question Time in Finchley
Feb 06, 2015, 11:46
This does feel a bit like those mimsy students saw another group getting hated by everyone across the world and felt a bit left out. I want to be a phobia, too!
Captain Starlet
Captain Starlet
1110 posts

Re: George Galloway on Question Time in Finchley
Feb 06, 2015, 12:28
First thing I noticed was not one of them wanted to talk about the rise in Islamophobia in Europe today. Not ignoring the rise in anti-semitism but they are both equal topics in my book. Both are as a result in the rise of fascism in Europe and we're seeing a return to an age where this was prevalent, i.e. 1930's. One of the many problems is is that no one wants to admit it, so these things will continue to escalate until politicians and idiots get their heads out of their arses and see what it is they're actually promoting.
Captain Starlet
Captain Starlet
1110 posts

Re: George Galloway on Question Time in Finchley
Feb 06, 2015, 12:30
I watched the bit at the end of the video, from where you saved it, witch hunt comes to mind. Regardless of what people think about him it's very hard to argue with him, personally I've a lot of respect for him, he's pretty much standing on his own among the old boys club and he's doing a bloody good job of pointing out the obvious things that the British parliament don't want to accept.
Sin Agog
Sin Agog
2253 posts

Re: George Galloway on Question Time in Finchley
Feb 06, 2015, 12:49
I wouldn't mind finding out how the Beeb choose their QT audiences. There always seems to be shenanigans going on every time I tune in. It's all a bit Jerry Springer.
Captain Starlet
Captain Starlet
1110 posts

Re: George Galloway on Question Time in Finchley
Feb 06, 2015, 12:54
I don't watch telly anymore but from what I've heard over the past couple of years that's exactly what they're doing, trying to 'sensationalise' it. Wasn't there something the other week when farridge (sorry not going to do the European pronunciation) was on the other week and a bloke in the audience being a ukip plant?

Seems to be something on a weekly basis, which is a shame as it used to be a good sort of informed show
3075 posts

Re: George Galloway on Question Time in Finchley
Feb 06, 2015, 13:52
Back at the time of the last Iraq war there was an instance where the first questioner deviated from script in a righteous way, so they scrubbed his entire question. I'm totally convinced that QT audience rigging by the Beeb occurs, but did watch about a year ago when Mad Mel Phillips was roundly harangued by quite a few who had slipped the net which was very good to see. I saw that GG was on last night then forgot to watch. Will try to catch a repeat. I very rarely watch these days for the sake of my blood pressure. Beeb audience rigging is not confined to QT. The first Scottish Independence debate was too.
3608 posts

Edited Feb 06, 2015, 17:47
Re: George Galloway on Question Time in Finchley
Feb 06, 2015, 17:45
Thanks for the points you've made (Sin Agog and Spencer too).

It’s hard to believe there are less than 300,000 British Jews in this country. I lived and worked in the Finchley area of London for several years where the Jewish community was prominent – never in anything but a beneficial way. Their whole culture, by and large, is about education and achievement. An older Jewish man in the audience also made the point that George Galloway had taken someone to task on radio programme for expressing anti-Semitic sentiment. He has always been a voice for the Palestinian people in the face of Israeli aggression, in that I respect him. His point about Islamophobia is also spot on. There far more Muslims living in this country than there are Jews who, in London anyway, generally live around the leafy suburbs of Finchley and Barnet. I found the debate helpful, GG held his ground as he always does. If there is going to be a QT coming from Finchley with George Galloway on the panel, it stands to reason there will be a large percentage of articulate and vocal Jewish Londoners in the audience because that is where they live.
Deepinder Cheema
Deepinder Cheema
1972 posts

Edited Feb 06, 2015, 18:10
Re: George Galloway on Question Time in Finchley
Feb 06, 2015, 18:09
Mid way through the heckling I suddenly realised that 'heated' debate was taking place in literally frigid Finchley. Standard stuff, both sides still as entrenched as ever. I have to commend David Dimbleby masterful stopping of the shouting and bringing order to the question. It did not go unnoticed that his father was one of the first to report on newsreel the horror of WW2. On a personal note I wish the term anti semetic was abandonned.
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