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Animal Rights ? Wrong.
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The Sea Cat
The Sea Cat
3608 posts

Edited Nov 13, 2010, 10:52
Animal Rights ? Wrong.
Nov 13, 2010, 10:51
Think again.


This unelected government is morally repugnant on every conceivable level.
Their deplorable hatred of and abhorrent punitive campaign against the most vulnerable has now been extended to remove what little but vital protection had been granted to our fellow sentient beings.
Loopy Lumbago
Loopy Lumbago
95 posts

Re: Animal Rights ? Wrong.
Nov 13, 2010, 11:22
Quote: "The Agriculture minister James Paice, who part-owns a farm in Cambridgeshire, has been behind most of the moves..."

Well, what's the point of being a politician if you can't secure your own interests? ;o)
The Sea Cat
The Sea Cat
3608 posts

Re: Animal Rights ? Wrong.
Nov 13, 2010, 11:34
Indeed my friend. What can I say other than I feel such rage and sadness so often these days. If evil is truly within the hearts of men, then this odious scum are blatantly upping the ante.
keith a
9577 posts

Re: Animal Rights ? Wrong.
Nov 13, 2010, 11:49
Loopy Lumbago
Loopy Lumbago
95 posts

Re: Animal Rights ? Wrong.
Nov 13, 2010, 11:55
Securing the rights of defenceless creatures does not generate revenue and is therefore of no interest to Homo Exploitus.
The Sea Cat
The Sea Cat
3608 posts

Re: Animal Rights ? Wrong.
Nov 13, 2010, 12:15
This was a lovely article that I read the other day:


A luxury for sure, but in a good cause. I'd buy the odd pint or two if I could source it.
Popel Vooje
5373 posts

Edited Nov 14, 2010, 15:40
Re: Animal Rights ? Wrong.
Nov 14, 2010, 15:40
The Sea Cat wrote:
Think again.


This unelected government is morally repugnant on every conceivable level.
Their deplorable hatred of and abhorrent punitive campaign against the most vulnerable has now been extended to remove what little but vital protection had been granted to our fellow sentient beings.

Yes, I read that article too.

I'm unashamed to say that I totally advocate the use of violence against those who malreat animals. I see nothing wrong with blowing up vivsection labs, sending death threats to those who work in and fincance them, killing them, or even digging up their dead relatives and hanging them on the town flagpole. Anyone who tortures animals for a living forfeits there right to any moral consideration whatsoever, in my view.

On top of all that, therey're building a fucking animal lab right across the road from where I work - which means that every day I start work with thoughts of planting bombs, or of wishing someone else would do so just so I could sit on the plaza and watch the fireworks whilst pissing myself laughing. I have no sympathy for these fuckers. They're worse than paedophiles.
Popel Vooje
5373 posts

Re: Animal Rights ? Wrong.
Nov 14, 2010, 15:48
The Sea Cat wrote:
This was a lovely article that I read the other day:


A luxury for sure, but in a good cause. I'd buy the odd pint or two if I could source it.

I hope that Asda and Sainsbury's do try and sell it. Due to the introduction of intensive dairy farming in the UK - yet another development that seems to have largely slipped under the media radar - I've been trying to wean myself off dairy products unless I can be 100 per cent sure they're humanely produced.
The Sea Cat
The Sea Cat
3608 posts

Edited Nov 14, 2010, 16:58
Re: Animal Rights ? Wrong.
Nov 14, 2010, 16:47
Popel Vooje wrote:
The Sea Cat wrote:
Think again.


This unelected government is morally repugnant on every conceivable level.
Their deplorable hatred of and abhorrent punitive campaign against the most vulnerable has now been extended to remove what little but vital protection had been granted to our fellow sentient beings.

Yes, I read that article too.

I'm unashamed to say that I totally advocate the use of violence against those who malreat animals. I see nothing wrong with blowing up vivsection labs, sending death threats to those who work in and fincance them, killing them, or even digging up their dead relatives and hanging them on the town flagpole. Anyone who tortures animals for a living forfeits there right to any moral consideration whatsoever, in my view.

On top of all that, therey're building a fucking animal lab right across the road from where I work - which means that every day I start work with thoughts of planting bombs, or of wishing someone else would do so just so I could sit on the plaza and watch the fireworks whilst pissing myself laughing. I have no sympathy for these fuckers. They're worse than paedophiles.

I understand you anger Popel, and I share it, but I do not agree with your comments re. the correct response to this awful situation if it includes actual physical violence to people, no matter how despicable. Descending to a similar level achieves absolutely nothing in my opinion. It only re-inforces the convenient prejudices re. 'public opinion' and therefore tightens the grip of the perpetrators. Consistent unwavering non physical re. actual persons action, and consistent exposure re consumer choice through information is the way. Not many people are happy with the stark reality when it it confronts them full in the face.

4670 posts

Re: Animal Rights ? Wrong.
Nov 14, 2010, 18:59
The Sea Cat wrote:
Think again.


This unelected government is morally repugnant on every conceivable level.
Their deplorable hatred of and abhorrent punitive campaign against the most vulnerable has now been extended to remove what little but vital protection had been granted to our fellow sentient beings.

I don't know if any of you have read any of the 422 comments thus far in reply to this Independent article but look what this sick bastard wrote in:-

José Augusto Saraiva Pinto 21 hours ago

One clear sign of the West's decadence is this sick concern with animal welfare. Animals are resources, like oil, cereals or coal. Not more, not less.
Isn't there really anything else to worry about in the West other than chicken's beaks being cut off? As long as they taste well, I don't really worry.
One of the things I really worry about are our youths, obsessed with material possessions, fun, with so little culture or imagination.
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