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Why I am Voting BNP pt 2
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Why I am Voting BNP pt 2
Oct 23, 2009, 17:29
I was a swinging voter, dithering a bit, I admit.

But this first class example of a white british male has changed my mind - the force of his argument, the passion behind his views, the whole Winston Churchil thing, the little smiles, the truth finally being told that Klu Klux Klan are a NON violent organisation (all that cross burning was just about lighting the streets so good folk could find there way home), the way he bashed all the other panelists, his banter with the audience and most of all that wonky eye. What the hell has happened to his eyes?

So, next election day - BNP all the way and keep Britain White..
1080 posts

Re: Why I am Voting BNP pt 2
Oct 23, 2009, 17:49
Yes, I was also reduced to tears and very convinced.

I hadn't even hear of them or even heard of Question Time or that there was anything other than ITVs 1,2,3 and 4 before seeing this.

I'm sure that's the case it just has to be makes no sense other wise.

Seventhorn Inn
7 posts

Re: Why I am Voting BNP pt 2
Oct 23, 2009, 20:19
What the hell happened to his eyes? Well this would-be Fuhrer had a little accident with a shotgun some years ago, meaning he now has a glass eye. The mind boggles as to what he was doing - looking up the barrel?
Hunter T Wolfe
Hunter T Wolfe
1708 posts

Re: Why I am Voting BNP pt 2
Oct 23, 2009, 21:32
Adopting Churchill as an unlikely hero, attacking Islam as incompatible with western democracy, an obsession with some notion of British indigenous culture stretching back to megalithic times... I thought maybe Griffin was reading from notes for next month's Druidon...
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