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Don't be naughty.
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758 posts

Re: Don't be naughty.
May 26, 2009, 01:58
If you are suggesting I am "counselling against it"...I am not. Please, all, go ahead with it, if you believe it is worthwhile.
2057 posts

Edited May 26, 2009, 05:47
Re: Don't be naughty.
May 26, 2009, 04:23
So, why are you making so many posts in this thread arguing that it's pointless ? It just looks like trolling.

Is what you're saying 'go for it.. but I won't be'? I mean, Do you have any worthwhile motives here that I'm missing ?

Why do you feel the need to defend yourself, do you think we didn't understand what you're saying ?
What I am asking you now is why on earth do you feel the need to just yell from the sidelines that we're wasting our time ? Are you trying to help us in some way that we're too dim to understand ?

In short, what is the point of your posts in this thread ?
2148 posts

Re: Don't be naughty.
May 26, 2009, 10:18
geoffrey_prime wrote:
If you are suggesting I am "counselling against it"...I am not.

Yes you are. Your first post on this thread was a condemnation of the idea.

geoffrey_prime wrote:
I do not support the BNP, but I support their right to exist, within the law, as a political party.
I would prefer they be judged, by the electorate, on their policies alone...
Personally, I don't support, the "Dad's Army", "leaflet terrorism" you are trying to encourage.
grufty jim
grufty jim
1978 posts

Edited May 26, 2009, 12:02
Re: Don't be naughty.
May 26, 2009, 11:56
geoffrey_prime wrote:
If you are suggesting I am "counselling against it"...I am not. Please, all, go ahead with it, if you believe it is worthwhile.

As both Merrick and Stray have already pointed out, you may not have used the actual words "Don't do it", but your posts here have clearly been suggesting the idea is a bad one. Which is tantamount to counselling against it in all but the most pedantic mind.

You've posted almost twice as many responses to this thread as anyone else has. If all you wanted to say was "Well, I'm not doing it but I'm neutral about the idea" then why are you the most active participant in the discussion?

You've clearly not been supporting the tactic. So either you're suggesting it's a bad idea (counselling against it), or you're trolling (attention-seeking). A neutral position doesn't warrant such a flood of responses (over a third of the posts on this topic).

Leastways, that's how it seems to me. Just my view.

UPDATE/EDIT: Just noticed that your response of May 22nd (03:09) describes the tactic as "childish". How is that not counselling against it? (again, absurd levels of pedantry aside). At least be consistent in your trolling. Or is that too much to ask?
758 posts

Re: Don't be naughty.
May 26, 2009, 16:23
Look folks, I took "counselling" to mean "advising". I have been expressing my opinions and thoughts..I am not advising.
I am now finding you level of scrutiny at my posts incredibley pedantic...and if we are arguing over semantics...then clearly we aren't going anywhere on the overall thread.
I dont have any further opinions on the subject of this thread...and if you think I am "trolling"...honestly, I have better things to do..
grufty jim
grufty jim
1978 posts

Edited May 26, 2009, 17:49
Re: Don't be naughty.
May 26, 2009, 17:49
geoffrey_prime wrote:
I am now finding you level of scrutiny at my posts incredibley pedantic...

What level of scrutiny? You mean counting them? Took me about 5 seconds, I'd guess.

Or do you mean actually reading them and responding to what you wrote? In which case, if you find that pedantic or uncomfortable, I suggest you're missing the point of political message boards.

I did indeed use the word "counselling" to mean "advising". When people are discussing a particular political tactic, and you take the time to intervene and denigrate that tactic, then I believe there's an implication that you are advising against it.

If that belief is unfair, I'd be interested to know why.
2148 posts

Re: Don't be naughty.
Jul 03, 2009, 09:18
It should also be noted that the BNP have another freepost address.

British Heritage
PO Box 14
SY21 0WE

Sending piles of old newspapers, boxes of grass cuttings or other useless items to it would be a childish waste of their time and money that I couldn't possibly condone.
758 posts

Re: Don't be naughty.
Jul 06, 2009, 02:11
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