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when middle aged white guys snap, they really snap
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Re: when middle aged white guys snap, they really snap
Dec 29, 2008, 18:25
I think it's interesting that it's so often men who behave like this and not women.

The conditioning for women is to do with servitude. Looking pretty for men, having a subservient attitude to others. It's tremendously oppressive and widely acknowledged.

The equivalent male conditioning is less clearly defined in wider society. I'd say the key word is invincibility. Whether it's loving decontextualised pub-quiz facts tom imply a vast knowledge or saying 'hit me in the stomach and see if it hurts', whether it's taking on more DIY than they can really do or feeling a cissy for not doing the driving, it's all about being in control and completely capable of using that control.

So when the world says 'actually, it doesn't work like that. You haven't got enough money' or 'you can't keep up with the workload', and especially 'she's not coming back to you' (I'd bet male sexual jealousy is the number one cause of personal homicide on earth), the entire world as they've been led to understand it doesn't make sense.

Where women take their control issues out on themselves (eating disorders, self-harm), men will take it out on others. It's the last stand of an attitude that believes it is invincible; once the world has made it clear that it not only does not but cannot believe in his invincibility, it it the world that must be punished.

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