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Banksy In Wonderland
Sep 12, 2006, 09:02
Well, Disneyland...
360 posts

Re: Banksy In Wonderland
Sep 12, 2006, 10:12
he's come back with a good one there.
3515 posts

Re: Banksy In Wonderland
Sep 12, 2006, 11:33
anthonyqkiernan wrote:
Well, Disneyland...

Farking Disney... I don't know if the winds have carried the brouhaha about their ABC made for television 'Ficto-Dramatization' (my quote) The Pathway to 9/11.
A blatantly pro-Republican right wing 'dramatization' of the events, real and imagined, leading up to the attack.

Aired over two nights, commercial free on US TV.

Not only partisan and grossly erroneous, but just plain BAD... I caught about ten headache inducing minutes of it. One of those neo-realist productions where EVERY SHOT pumps up the handheld look.. shaky, zooming in and out, crosscutting at a ridiculous clip... the director of the thing should be beaten with a tripod.
Kid Calamity
9050 posts

Re: Banksy In Wonderland
Sep 13, 2006, 12:30
I would have expected someone like Harvey Keitel, too. It was a real cop-out. There was an opportunity to tell a few well needed home truths and we got some dumbed-down drama that the studio bosses would have felt safe with.
3515 posts

Re: Banksy In Wonderland
Sep 13, 2006, 12:46
Kid Calamity wrote:
I would have expected someone like Harvey Keitel, too. It was a real cop-out. There was an opportunity to tell a few well needed home truths and we got some dumbed-down drama that the studio bosses would have felt safe with.

There seems to be a war of ideas going on INSIDE the USA- those who blindly let the corporate fuckers lead them and those who have either always been un-fooled by the war profiteers.. or are waking up finally. The corporate vampires are pretty smug but at this point they are preaching to the choir, which is that last 25 percent of the US population still clinging to their greed, fear, and misplaced loyalties. (The Bushies)
Kid Calamity
9050 posts

Re: Banksy In Wonderland
Sep 13, 2006, 15:29
If only they could see what we see on the news every day. They'd make pretty damned sure they got to the voting station this time round.
861 posts

Re: Banksy In Wonderland
Sep 13, 2006, 16:51
The horrors of the world are available on Public Broadcasting for free, all over the US. They do a healthy dose of BBC news and current affairs on terrestial TV and radio. Unfortunately a large chunk of the population prefers to keep the blinkers on.
7087 posts

Re: Banksy In Wonderland
Sep 13, 2006, 17:06
Just as well, really. Coz, everyone knows that the BBC (despite being having a legal obligation to impatiality) is biased in favourt ot the anti-semite commines that run the place (erm...like Michael Grade). While the Mail's fabulous free free-market constitution makes it a bastion of truth and eveness in the darkness.
Vybik Jon
Vybik Jon
7720 posts

Re: Banksy In Wonderland
Sep 13, 2006, 17:09
The best way to read the Mail is in darkness.
861 posts

Re: Banksy In Wonderland
Sep 13, 2006, 17:18
A thought provoking fact. Three years ago, the widow of the founder of McDonalds, donated $200 000 000 to Public Broadcasting.
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