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Coca-Cola/Pepsi to save us all!!
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72 posts

Coca-Cola/Pepsi to save us all!!
Dec 19, 2001, 20:44
Received another market update e-mail and found this.

According to Coca-Cola and Pepsi, water is the drink of the future and both intend to market more vitamin enhanced water, including one for bone strength. The logic is simple, “There is a strong demand for general health products, and bone and joint pains are among the public’s top five health concerns.”

So Coca-Cola and Pepsi are now going to fuck us all like puppets with what will probably be an expensive waste of money claiming it's so good for us.
What ever happened to a healthy balanced diet that should supply us with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. A presumably heavy marketing campaign will ensure that all the nippers across the country will think that this product will be the dogs gonads and just spend that little bit more on it because it's made by Coca-Cola or Pepsi when a perfectly good glass of fresh orange would suffice.
Logic my arse considering all the fizzy drinks they sell us are completely shit for our teeth and guts.
What a bandwagon jumping turn-around.
393 posts

Re: Coca-Cola/Pepsi to save us all!!
Dec 19, 2001, 23:38
a while ago i read that coca cola of the future would be supplied by a tap to each house hold, i.e hot , cold & coke taps! I found this a rather scary prospect although my husband ,whom i'm convinced is addicted to the stuff, rather liked the idea.
My earliest memories of the coca cola was if there was ever any in our house ( which was rarely) my dad would put some of it in a dish and then put in some dirty old pennies after a while the pennies would be lovely & shiny! It did make you wonder what happened when you drunk the stuff!
10943 posts

Re: Coca-Cola/Pepsi to save us all!!
Dec 20, 2001, 10:45
When I was just a lad of 16 I worked as a slave for Safeway. When a customer (or staff member) dropped a jar of beetroot or similar and stained the floor tiles we just used to pour Safeways Lemonade on it ... that stuff can shift anything ! I don't drink fizzy pop.
182 posts

Re: Coca-Cola/Pepsi to save us all!!
Dec 20, 2001, 12:28
You can also do the vanishing tooth trick where if you leave a baby tooth in overnight it is competely eroded by morning - or maybe the tooth fairy got it but if they did they didn't leave any money. Can't stand the stuff myself.
10943 posts

Re: Coca-Cola/Pepsi to save us all!!
Dec 20, 2001, 13:00
That's truly disgusting !!

Anyone here ever tried that?
72 posts

Re: Coca-Cola/Pepsi to save us all!!
Dec 20, 2001, 13:19
Yeah we did something in the same kind of context as a school experiment where we put a set of false teeth in a pint of coke and left them in there for two days. By the end of the second day the teeth had virtually disappeared! Yuk. Can't bear the stuff, especially when your teeth feel all fluffy after a glass.
I also seem to remember a documentary programme on the t.v a few years ago where the Coca-Cola company had got a tribe of Mexican Mayan Indians addicted to cola so that they could take something from their lands (can't remember what it was exactly) without having to pay them with money, just the cola dregs. Corporate greed again anyone!
1 posts

Re: Coca-Cola/Pepsi to save us all!!
Dec 20, 2001, 14:43
Coca-Cola, McDonalds, Disney - all World Domination Enterprises bent on making the world a crappier place - boycott them all. They rot teeth, bodies, and brains. Millions of parents don't think beyond them - the damage done!
221 posts

Re: Coca-Cola/Pepsi to save us all!!
Dec 20, 2001, 15:24
hopefully the healthy message will put kids off. It usually does...
grufty jim
grufty jim
1978 posts

back up a little bit
Dec 22, 2001, 16:19
ok, ok, here's where i reveal that (for my sins) i worked in the fizzy pop industry for a few years... and my dad still does. it's not arms manufacture; hell it's not even as bad (from an ecological standpoint) as the VAST MAJORITY of products that most of us use on a regular basis.

i'm not trying to defend the industry and there's plenty of examples of Coke, Pepsi and the others doing dodgy stuff - just like every multinational... except they are much higher profile than most.

on the "bad for the teeth thing", fizzy pop has got an unwarranted bad reputation. there's lots of sugar in them (not the 'diet' stuff though) but that doesn't actually corrode teeth (unless your dental hygiene is bad - sugar isn't immediately damaging, and brushing twice or three times a day will negate its effects completely).

what is a problem is phosphoric acid; that is immediately corrosive. however, fizzy pop has considerably less phosphoric acid than citrus fruits for example. so orange juice is far worse for a persons teeth than coke or pepsi (unless the person in question doesn't brush, in which case the sugar in the fizzy pop will come into effect).

i don't think coke and pepsi are going to "save the world". like every corporation, they are primarily concerned with 'return on investment' and will do nasty things in the name of bigger profits. however, having done a lot of soul-searching after i quit the industry (and i'm not one to ignore facts to make myself feel better) i came to the conclusion that the manufacture and distribution of fizzy pop was one of the least harmful aspects of globalisation.

no, it's not "desirable". but there are much worse things happening in the world - and you'd be amazed (i imagine) if you knew just how much the modern recycling industry owes to coke and pepsi... seriously.
grufty jim
grufty jim
1978 posts

Re: Coca-Cola/Pepsi to save us all!!
Dec 22, 2001, 16:25
> So Coca-Cola and Pepsi are now going to fuck us
> all like puppets with what will probably be an
> expensive waste of money claiming it's so good for
> us.
hey, don't buy it then.

me? i'll stick to Dr. Pepper. Unhealthy, caffeine-ridden but very tasty.

we are all of us affected by marketing and advertising; but when push comes to shove, nobody is going to hold a gun to your heads in the newsagents and force you to buy a bottle of Pepsi water (note: if you buy bottled water you're already almost certainly buying from Coke or Pepsi; they own most of the beverage industry in one way or another).

just as vegans can somehow resist all that chocolate advertising, so if someone doesn't want to buy a product... just don't.

yeah, i know, it's not as simple as that, and yeah corporations in general are up to no good. but do remember; we've all got a choice in this.
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