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Creationism to be taught in UK schools?
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Re: Creationism to be taught in UK schoo
Mar 20, 2006, 13:22
"Why not let them discuss any of them? There's more learning in a discussion than just the swapping of opinions."

Because I the taxpayer would like the system to impart a million important things to the kids first, before they get onto spending time discussing crap.
Is this censorship? No, it's a wish for effective use of resources. Let them discuss crap in their leisure time or let their parents pay for private provision of crap, why should everyone else foot the bill?

Is the fact that alchemy isn't on the GCSE chemistry syllabus reasonable? Yep, I reckon so. What about 2% of each astronomy degree being devoted to astrology? No thanks, not when I'm paying....
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