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Nov 08, 2001, 10:28
There is a lot of opposition to the MOX plant at Sellafield, including Friends Of The Earth and Greenpeace who both (like the Irish Gov't) are trying to get the plant shut before it even opens.

And they also say this ....

"Apart from this, the two groups say the Mox plant will increase the risk of weapons-usable plutonium being bought and sold around the world. "

source : http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_1641000/1641543.stm

Well, Sellafield was built mainly for the processing of weapons grade material and hardly ever actually produced electricity. I was told by one engineer who left the facility (under bad terms so discount this if you wish) was the most electricity Sellafield had ever produced was at the opening ceremony when it lit a 60W bulb !!!

I have no soultion for what to do about the legacy of Sellafield (and all other nuclear power stations) but I have a solution for this MOX treatment plant ... DON'T LET IT OPEN !!!!
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