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2992 posts

argh forgot.
Aug 15, 2005, 14:18
*Must. (Gnnnr). .... Take... Own. Ad-(strain)-VICE!*

At ease.
Rolling Ronnie
Rolling Ronnie
1468 posts

Re: argh forgot.
Aug 15, 2005, 14:19
Tough though isn't it?


Tongue-biters unite!!!!
9547 posts

Re: Disarm DSEi
Aug 15, 2005, 14:34
Well even if I've apologised I still get the blame...

No I ain't bitter, but maybe I wouldn't be so vile if there weren't so many other vile people around. Thing is one of the reasons I came on this site is to avoid sneering right-wing types, OK? I hate such people so much that I lose my decorum like you've witnessed. OK so manao doesn't seem to be right-wing but maybe I've mistaken his rhetoric for being such. He doesn't know how ugly things are in the US where I live of course... In a world where you have vicious hate groups like Protest Warrior (re their forum link that manao said he bookmarked. Ho ho ho...), maybe that's no way for me to act but I'm sure these warriors are just as bad if not worse.

Or it's just me. I just have problems I can't seem to deal with. I dunno.

I hope manao doesn't think England should be a Pinochet style dictatorship just because a bunch of cartoon Arabs happen to bomb subways.
9547 posts

Re: Disarm DSEi
Aug 15, 2005, 14:40
I suppose thousands of innocent families tortured to death and left in ditches or dunked in the ocean is a small price to pay for 'fighting terrorism', isn't it? Maybe I'm distorting things...
Rolling Ronnie
Rolling Ronnie
1468 posts

Re: Disarm DSEi
Aug 15, 2005, 14:50
<Well even if I've apologised I still get the blame...>

First and foremost I accept I have no right to criticise your or anyone elses behaviour outside of the fact that this is a public forum with almost free speech.

My beef with you and some others is as follows:

I enjoy and also benefit from the discussions and airing of views that this forum allows. It is (in my limited experience) unique. I am therefore frustrated when participants choose to throw insults and (again, in my view) regress to the playground when somone disagrees with them.

Instead I believe the thread would be immeasurably better if they present alternative arguments as rationally and unemotionally as possible or agreed to disagree.

Comments like 'I insulted him 'cos he made me' smack of the general attitude in the modern world that whatever I do is not my responibility, but rather the consequence of something that someone else has done.

An apology isn't worthy of the name unless:

a) you really mean it

b) you intent not to repeat the action

Listen or not as you will.
9547 posts

Re: Disarm DSEi
Aug 15, 2005, 14:58
It's not a matter of 'I insulted him because he made me'. I think it's deeper than that. I mean, I'm hoping to avoid saying the rotten stuff I did in the future. I'm not saying it's anyone elses fault at all.

For some reason I just get angry at crap like 'this idiot is part of the problem' or 'we'll be better off with more monotheism than less'. I find it hard to differentiate between that and 'liberalism is a mental disorder' or 'you're a Communist, homosexual leeebuuruuh!'

It's scary when you have a large amount of people who agree with Ann Coulter, Michael Savage and (especially) Protest Warrior.
9547 posts

Re: Disarm DSEi
Aug 15, 2005, 15:03
I'm as scared of such people as manao is scared of terrorists. And not too many things scare me.

Of course maybe Protst Warrior do the rotten things they do because they're scared as well (and easily manipulatable perhaps...)
9547 posts

Re: Disarm DSEi
Aug 15, 2005, 15:16
Well I'm OK now. Geez, the things in this world weren't even as nasty as they were when Bush's father was running things. I never thought I'd see the day when pundits not only suggested a revival of McCarthyism but suggesting those left-of-center weren't human. And what does this have to do with terrorism? They spend more time attacking peace-protestors than actually fighting terror. And I bet Osama Bin Laden is somewhere laughing (if he really exists at all...)
9547 posts

Re: Disarm DSEi
Aug 15, 2005, 15:18
That was a damn typo! I meant things were nastier than when Bush's father was running things. I goddamn hate it when my message turns out wrong!
9547 posts

Re: Disarm DSEi
Aug 15, 2005, 15:19
Whew! I'm OK. :^)
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