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Coca Cola supports Bush in opposing Kyot
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Coca Cola supports Bush in opposing Kyot
Jun 20, 2001, 03:55
Kybosh Coke for Kyoto

Coca Cola supports Bush in opposing Kyoto

* It's the best known brand on the planet.
* After the Stars and Stripes, it's the best known icon of the US of A
* One of the most important corporate sponsors of the Toxic Texan, President
George W. Bush.

Now why in the world would Coca-Cola choose to prostitute itself and its brand
to George Dubya?

Well let's get real cynical about this. If you were the maker of one of the
world's favourite soft drinks, wouldn't global warming look like a business
opportunity to you? You make cold drinks; the weather gets hot; people get
thirsty; you shift more product; you put more dollar$ on the bottom line.

Coca-Cola, like everyone else, knew that if Bush got in he'd renege on Kyoto.
Dubya's message was clear: Screw the planet; we got air-conditioning and US
business interests come first. It's Coc-Cola's message too.

Well it's time to put the Kybosh on Coke.

THIS IS A BRAND ATTACK, on the number one commercial icon and brand of the USA.
Let's make Coke seriously uncool.

Let's Kybosh Coke for Kyoto.
* Don't drink Coke - a 1% drop in sales will cost Coke $140,000,000
* Don't buy Coke for your kids - though don't be such a puritan that you end up
punishing them!
* Embellish every Coke ad and sign that you see with a sticker (easy to make on
your PC, little bit of artwork attached; make it better if you can)
* Put Kybosh Coke for Kyoto stickers everywhere
* Put chewing gum into the slot of every Coke vending machine you find. You
don't have gum? Chew your bus ticket into mash, it works real well.
* Demand that your workplace, office, school, college, stores, supermarkets,
theatres, cafes, restaurants, everywhere stops stocking Coke.
* Forward this email to everyone you know. Make it a meme; make it a pro-planet

Let's use the Coca-Cola brand to put Kyoto on the map, and make it clear to Mr.
Bush that what this planet thirsts for is a future - not the profits of his
greedy and cynical business corporations.

Whip up a force 12 topical hurricane.
Ignite a planet wide Bush fire on the net for the Toxic Texan.
Use your vote as a consumer to demand accountability!

Make Coke the leading brand in opposing global warming.

SEND THIS EMAIL TO A FRIEND. Translate it too.
Coca-Cola is no longer cool.

Contact Coca-Cola Chairman Doug Daft through
http://www.cokespotlight.org/html/action/email.htm BTW: Chairman and Chief
Executive of Coca Cola REALLY IS Mr. Doug Daft - it's not a joke! (see

Other Brands owned by Coke:
"Minute Maid", Sprite, Fruitopia, Barq's, Cherry Coke, Mello Yello, Citra,
Dasani, Mr. Pibb, Surge, Powerade, Fanta, Hi-C, Five Alive.

Kybosh Coke for Kyoto.

And whilst you're at it:
Boycott Esso too. See http://www.stopesso.com
Join the Campaign for Global Democracy, see Charter 99 at
http://www.charter99.org Together we can change the world
Get artwork at http://www.cokespotlight.org/html/indexflash.html

Lets kill Father Christmas too! Not really of course; our kids would rip us
apart. But let's take him out of his Coca-Cola costume.

In the 1920s Coke ran a Christmas Campaign that put Santa into his
'traditional' red and white costume, to match the colours in their logo. Before
that he was dressed in Lincoln green with Holly berry buttons and trim -
colours from nature not a chemistry set.

That's what it means to have a world class brand. Play it right and you can
change people's perceptions forever! So let's stop sending each other
subliminal ads for US of Coke International Ltd. every year, and re-brand
Father Christmas with a planet friendly image.

Artists, cartoonists, and graphic designers - rise to the occasion. Put your
work on the net. Sell it in our shops.

Definition: Kybosh
Grammar: n. (also kibosh) sl.
Idiom: put the kyibosh on
Meaning: put an end to; finally dispose of
Etymology: 19th c.: orig. unkn.

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