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Rumsfeld:no link between iraq and al qai
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3155 posts

Rumsfeld:no link between iraq and al qai
Oct 05, 2004, 02:42

So lets see... There were no WMDs and Saddam wasn't in league with Al qaida;

why exactly was it that they invaded again?
970 posts

Re: Rumsfeld:no link between iraq and al
Oct 05, 2004, 05:32
Well, like the pResident said, "they attacked us".

Who 'they' is, however, seems to be up for grabs. Al Qaeda? Saddam? The Tooth Fairy? Dubya probably can't tell you THAT, no...but by god, he'll tell you it was THEM!!!

Keeerist...at this rate, you could put a mongrel dog on an assload of vicodin in the White House and it would do a better job!
Vybik Jon
Vybik Jon
7720 posts

Re: Rumsfeld:no link between iraq and al qai
Oct 05, 2004, 11:29
"why exactly was it that they invaded again?"

9547 posts

Re: Rumsfeld:no link between iraq and al qai
Oct 05, 2004, 21:55
Everytime I look at this thread, I keep thinking "Rumsfellatio"!
10943 posts

Re: Rumsfeld:no link between iraq and al qai
Oct 06, 2004, 08:09
It will come as no surprise that a few people will disagree with your wait before pointing approach.

Every error and fact needs pointing as it's happening. You can't wait until the dust settles before doing so, because everyone will just say "well, why didn't you say so at the time? It's a bit late now!"

When someone admits that they catagorically lied to the people that elected them, a lie that resulted in the deaths of many of their own people (not to mention the Iraqis that died) and when there are people still dying because of that lie then they should be brought to justice for their actions. Rumsfeld stated that there was clear 'intelligence' that Saddam was connected to Bin-Laden. Now he says he never saw any evidence.

The sad thing is that this lie is probably irrelavent. The American people were (understandably) in such a state after 9/11 that they would have attacked anywhere anyway.
8112 posts

Re: Rumsfeld:no link between iraq and al qai
Oct 06, 2004, 08:38
"There will be time to point the finger (as it needs to be pointed) but that aint yet"

I'm sorry, but that strikes me as a disastrous thing to suggest, with the US election imminent. It would hugely increase the chances that Bush will win and the world will be screwed politically and ecologically for another 4 years.
3155 posts

Re: Rumsfeld:no link between iraq and al qai
Oct 06, 2004, 12:04
Rumsfeld has of course since clarified his comments. "I have seen no hard and fast evidence of a link between Iraq and Al Qaida" actually means "I have seen hard and fast evidence of a link between Iraq and Al Qaida"

Is this man the Dennis Thatcher of US politics?

Are the good people of the USA so fucking stoooopid that they'll even consider voting this bunch of unspeakable bastards back into office?

I worry for the world.
2148 posts

Re: Rumsfeld:no link between iraq and al qai
Oct 06, 2004, 14:08
When will Iraq be 'safe'? The invasion is not there to make it safe for the people of Iraq, it is there to grant the US and its allies control if the Iraqi oilfields.

Anyone in Iraq who opposes this will be on the business end of torture and murder, the same as happens in Colombia, Uzbekistan and everywhere else we run the oil industry.

The time to oppose these things is as early as possible.


A few good links:
Uzbekistan & the moral case for war

What WAS the war about?

Informed Comment: superb blog about the middle east by a history professor

Baghdad Burning - a blog from Iraq
970 posts

Re: Rumsfeld:no link between iraq and al
Oct 06, 2004, 19:24
"Are the good people of the USA so fucking stoooopid that they'll even consider voting this bunch of unspeakable bastards back into office?"

Remember, we here in the States didn't vote them into office in the first place. They stole the presidency fair-n-square. And odds are that if they lose it fairly again this time, they'll just go and steal it once more.

At least Dubya finally came out and proved to many, many people in the first debate just what a bumbling boob he actually is, and in the second (last night) Cheney the Dick lived up to his "Dr. Doom" nickname while dodging Halliburton spitballs lobbed by Sen. Edwards. Between the ill behavior of this duo and the blatherskite of toadies such as Rummy and Wolfy and so on, you would THINK the citizens of the USA would've gone batshit nuts and given these people the Full Mussolini by now. But no...

Too many people here are easily fooled. Corporations that run the media here are in bed with the Repubs to protect their profit margins. The RNC sends out sheer lies to unknowing constituents, such as telling poor Jesus-fearing white trash in West Virginia and Arkansas that the Democrats want to ban bibles.

Don't worry about us. Please, worry FOR us.
9547 posts

Re: Rumsfeld:no link between iraq and al qai
Oct 06, 2004, 20:39
That was just a joke. Sheesh...
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