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"the fine art of deflection"
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"the fine art of deflection"
Jan 26, 2004, 05:09
..by David Kay, who claims that lack of WMD's to turn up in Iraq is not the fault of the bush administraions "agenda",..but rather the lack of factual intelligence brought to us by the CIA. "it is not president bush that owes american citizens an apology" <no mention of the iraqi people, the u.n. etc.> but rather, the cia that owes president bush an apology."

on that note, some of you may recall v.p.'s cheney's numerous unexplained visits the the cia headquarters as this was all beginning.

either way you look at it,...there will always be a 'fall guy' and u.s. top officials, while making these 'confessions' will never point the finger at the "big chief'.

370 posts

david kay 2002
Jan 26, 2004, 05:35
Inspectors certain Iraq will use its deadly weapons
By David Wastell, Philip Sherwell and Julian Coman in Washington
(Filed: 08/09/2002)
A former United Nations weapons inspector gave warning last night that Saddam Hussein is developing frightening new ways to deliver his arsenal of chemical and biological weapons, including smallpox and the deadly VX nerve agent.
David Kay, who headed the UN's nuclear inspection team inside Iraq during the early 1990s, said that Pentagon planners believe that Saddam is devising novel means of launching his most dangerous weapons, to replicate the surprise achieved by al-Qa'eda terrorists on September 11.
One possibility is that Saddam could use the links he had cultivated with the Palestinian refugee camps to recruit volunteers willing to be injected with the smallpox virus and then enter Israel to infect hundreds of Jews before themselves succumbing to the disease.
Mr Kay, speaking from his home in Virginia, said: "If you have someone like Saddam in power committed to developing these weapons and with a hatred of the US and Israel, then at some point he's either going to get lucky or succeed in doing something."
Mr Kay and other former UN inspectors contacted by The Telegraph last week believe that Iraq would readmit inspectors only as a way of deflecting an American attack and dividing western opinion.
None thought Iraq would co-operate adequately with a new inspection team to ensure that his entire arsenal is uncovered.

370 posts

Re: david kay 2003
Jan 26, 2004, 05:56
Date: January 19, 2003
The following article by former United Nations weapons inspector David Kay first appeared in The Washington Post January 19. Permission has been granted for distribution and further republication, in English and in translation abroad and in the local press outside the United States.
Below is the byliner:
By David Kay
(David Kay is a senior fellow at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies. In 1991, he served as chief nuclear weapons inspector of UNSCOM, the U.N. Special Commission on Iraq.)
When it comes to the U.N. weapons inspection in Iraq, looking for a smoking gun is a fool's mission. That was true 11 years ago when I led the inspections there. It is no less true today -- even after the seemingly important discovery on Thursday of a dozen empty short-range missile warheads left over from the 1980s.disarmed. That is not a task that need take months more. And last week's cache is irrelevant in answering that question,
regardless of the U.N.'s final determination. That's because the answer is already clear: Iraqi is in breach of U.N. demands that it dismantle its weapons of mass destruction.

370 posts

Re: david kay 2003; it only gets better
Jan 26, 2004, 05:57
CHERYL SEAL SPECIAL REPORT: Did David Kay Engineer WMD Evidence for Bush I -and Now Bush 2? 17 Jul 2003
What David Kay is leaving out of his bio these days is that until 2002, he was VP of SAIC, a company rolling in Bush defense contracts. Kay produced "retroactive" evidence of WMDs for Bush I. Now he's Bush and Tenet's pick to get the goods...tho' he was fired in 1992 from his UN job for unethical behavior.
Like Bremer, Rice, Rumsfeld, and the rest of the cast of hardened corporate characters, David Kay is an overfed relic from a past rightwing hawk regime. Under Reagan, he was a chief scientist for the Pentagon [see revelation as to Kay's "scientific background" at http://baltimore.indymedia.org/newswire/display/4522/index.php]
as well as serving as a section chief for the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Administration of the UN) from 1983 until 1991. During this time, Hans Blix - Kay's boss - who was a man of integrity, was continually pressured by first Reagan, then Bush( ) I. to come up with 'evidence' that oil-rich Iraq( ) posed a sufficient nuclear threat for the US to invade (and thus to capture the oil).

In fact, until Kay came along, most experts in most western nations believed there was no evidence for an extensive WMD program in Iraq. But after the war, when Bush I needed greater validation for his actions in the run up to the 1992 election, Kay was made chief nuclear inspector for the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) on Iraq. UNSCOM was created in response to the Bush claims that Iraq was a hotbed of WMD weaponry that had to be 'dismantled.' Kay's investigations turned up all sorts of 'evidence' -given the time lapse from the end of the war to Kay's mission, who knows how much of it was planted -possibly all of it. Certainly the contributions of some 'defectors' have been totally dicredited. But UNSCOM produced the same sort of arrays of conveniently -in fact, unbelievably- detailed documents, all just left 'just laying around,' waiting to be found by Kay and company. The same evidence we hear reported ad infinitum and sans question on NBC, CNN, et al. Thanks to Kay's obliging efforts for Bush after Gulf War I, the stage was neatly set for Gulf War II. In fact, the entire invasion of Iraq was trumped up over the UN clause referring to WMDs.
9547 posts

Re: "the fine art of deflection"
Jan 26, 2004, 15:36
Maybe it'll be the end of the CIA once and for all!

Seriously, the CIA were better at oppresion and dirty-tricks than gathering useful information to begin with. It's a known fact that most people in the US are ignorant of unfortunately!

I knew a couple of ex-CIA folks and they were pathological mental cases! My ex-lover's cousin was one! He was a Navy Seal in Vietnam and joined the CIA, and now has a famous bar in the Kodak Park district and he's nuttier than a fruitcake. He acted strange when someone told him his cousin and I were lovers!

Also I had a teacher at Bryant And Stratton who was ex-CIA and he was a total John Cale case as well! He was deathly afraid of sharp-objects and I have a theory he might've been tortured. (He atmitted in class he was once arrested in Libya while on assignment.) One time I sharpened my pencil with my Swiss Army knife (jeez, what harm could I do?) and he totally freaked out!
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