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Bush to Announce Missions to Mars, Moon
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Bush to Announce Missions to Mars, Moon
Jan 09, 2004, 05:04

8112 posts

Re: Bush to Announce Missions to Mars, Moon
Jan 09, 2004, 08:59
All those rocks on Mars, and any one of them might be a mobile weapons lab.
5291 posts

Re: Bush to Announce Missions to Mars, Moon
Jan 09, 2004, 09:26
he really is a total space cadet isn't he, so it's quite apt. Plus a megalomaniac. He was just trying to think of something to top Reagan's 'star wars' thing.
8112 posts

Re: Bush to Announce Missions to Mars, Moon
Jan 09, 2004, 09:33
Easy though isn't it, refuse to spend money on immediate anti-global warming measures during your presidency but announce an expenditure of ten trillion dollars to be spent after you've left office.
Spaceship mark
Spaceship mark
1686 posts

Re: Bush to Announce Missions to Mars, Moon
Jan 09, 2004, 09:38
"Ladies and Gentilemen, we proposal to put a man on the planet Mars in the next two decade. Also we the Americain people, with the love of God, aim to envisage a lunaroid spacular station on the planet moon. With the grace of God and the love of the Aericyan people we willed succesfull."
...or something like that...
5291 posts

Re: Bush to Announce Missions to Mars, Moon
Jan 09, 2004, 10:25
you should go into politics, Spaceship mark.

by the way nigelswift, haven't you heard - there's no evidence for global warming. It's just a scientific theory.
1629 posts

interstellar overdrive
Jan 09, 2004, 10:26
I wonder what people here think of the space programme in general? It strikes me as a waste of resources and money when there's so many problems here on Earth. Of course the Sun will die one day, taking all of Earth's life with it, so if humans are to live beyond that time then we'll have to get off the planet one day. But that's roughly five billion years away, right now - there's surely far more pressing problems that could do with the money right now, and more imminent dangers to our survival.
Spaceship mark
Spaceship mark
1686 posts

Re: interstellar overdrive
Jan 09, 2004, 10:40
It is a spectacular waste of money in many ways, and certainly sending humans places has a much greater PR impact than the scientific usefullness of the exercise.
However there are things we can learn about the Earth and how to protect it from stuff in space. ie by studying the fate of Venus, why Mars is like it is. These planets are very close to the Earth in a lot of respects and yet they failed to spawn (complex?) life.
Agreed the money could be better spent on feeding the hungry etc. But I'm sure read somewhere that many technologically useful advances have been as a byproduct of the 'space-race'.
So it seems I don't know if it's good or bad. But it is useful.
And I like the Tintin book where he goes to the Moon.
5291 posts

Re: interstellar overdrive
Jan 09, 2004, 10:59
That is true, there are more 'moral' things that governments could be spending their money on. But I suppose you could say that about all sorts of things that aren't necessary for everyday survival - funding the arts, 'pure' scientific research, all sorts.
Maybe the motivation behind it seems more relevant to me. I'm sure some of the NASA scientists love their work and have purish motives about the pursuit of knowledge. I appreciate I have a very one-dimensional view of Mr Bush, but frankly I feel like any support he gives to such projects is entirely down to his skewed ideas about how marvellous american culture is and how smashing he'll look in the future when he's associated with someone landing on mars. What a cynic.
Spaceship mark
Spaceship mark
1686 posts

Re: interstellar overdrive
Jan 09, 2004, 11:04
It also stinks of trying to align himself with JFK who (with my very limited knowledge of American politics) seems to have been W's exact polar opposite...
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