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So why are you a veggie?
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1118 posts

veggie, vegan or bloodsucker?
Jan 30, 2001, 18:47
I now middle aged - never have been veggie or vegan always a bloodsucker but for the last few years wanted to be repent my sins - I have also wanted to be a rock star in the realms of Iggy but with the mentality of Ziggy - somehow it just ain't there - and it is just as unlikely to happen.

However, I can compromise on both.

Some people are destined to be veggie or vegan - others are Iggy or Ziggy - I am Shrimp and Shrimp is a compromise!

Moon Cat
9577 posts

Re: No entry to cucumber
Jan 30, 2001, 18:56
I'm afraid, fellow lunar being, that cucumber is as welcome in my anal orifice as it is in my facial cake-hole i.e. It's name's not on the list and its not coming in!
I would go as far to say that I would actually welcome GM cucumber if it was modified to look and taste of something nice like strawberries. Or crisps.
Aint no cucumber doin a rumba-number on my bum-ber!
1 posts

Re: No entry to cucumber
Jan 31, 2001, 15:28
I posted this from Moonchild's computer.

Moon Cat, I suspect you are a man, because if you were a woman you would have understood that I was not referring to anal sex. I wouldn't shove a cucumber up my arse either. That doesn't mean they don't have a role to play in leading a healthy and fulfilling life.

Moon Cat
9577 posts

Re: No entry to cucumber
Jan 31, 2001, 18:31
Oh, I know where you're coming from so to speak. It's just I have a limited amount of orifices to stick a cucumber in see? I'm sure there are plenty of fair laydeez out there who have had all sorts of gratification from the long green devil. Far be it from me to deny anyone the pleasure of a cucumber related stimulation in whatever foodstuff or cavity variation one wishes to use. But I have to maintain that as a food, you can stick cucumber up my arse.....except that you can't really
185 posts

Re: No entry to cucumber
Jan 31, 2001, 20:12
is it possible? I don't believe it.
46 posts

Re: No entry to cucumber
Jan 31, 2001, 21:59
i've never had sex of any kind with a cucumber - what's wrong with me?!? however, i do eat the stuff on a daily basis, so maybe only people who can't stand to eat it,er, shag it?
And i still think you're not giving root veggies a chance!

Moon Cat
9577 posts

Re: No entry to cucumber
Jan 31, 2001, 23:34
I dunno, I neither eat or shag cucumber. I simply incinerate it with my laser-vision when I see it. It's for the best really.
I do give root veg a chance too. I eat spuds. Yum See?
Some o the others though Bleee!
grufty jim
grufty jim
1978 posts

Re: So why are you a veggie?
Feb 01, 2001, 12:59
My basic retort (and it's the Goddess's honest truth) is that I became a veggie because I wanted to impress a vegetarian girl (way back when I was 16). Now, 14 years on, I'm still vegetarian because I realised that it's probably a good thing to get through this life having contributed to as little death and suffering as possible.

*None* of us (even the most dedicated fruitarian) gets through life with zero negative impact on the planet... but we can - at least - try to minimise it.

That's why I'm veggie.
grufty jim
grufty jim
1978 posts

Re: Why am I still vege?
Feb 01, 2001, 17:11
it's not so much the 'environmental impact' thing (though there's lots of very good evidence to suggest that vegetarianism is more environmentally sound than meat eating) as the 'death and suffering' thing.

interestingly, i've been reading some info recently that suggested that meat has a higher EROI (Energy Returned On Investment) than vegetables. This contradicts what I always believed (that meat was a big energy sink), but I've not got deep enough into the specifics to see whether it bears out.

However, what isn't in question is the fact that meat is a massive "land sink". There's a statistic (bandied around by a lot of veggies - including me - despite the fact that I suspect few of us have seen hard data to support it) that claims that an acre of land can provide 30 times more nutrition if devoted to certain crops (soya and spinach probably) than if devoted to grazing. This makes a lot of sense as the cows (or sheep or whatever) are extracting their nutrition from grass - which is obviously a lot less nutritious than soya (for example).

All the same, the question of energy *expenditure* on crop growth versus animal husbandry is one that I can see being a lot less clear cut (coffee, as an example, is a ridiculously inefficient plant when viewed as a nutritional source... though of course, 99.9% of people consume coffee for the caffeine and not the nutrition).

All of this is moot though (in a sense). It is still the case that meat-eaters are directly responsible for causing a massive amount of death, while I am responsible for significantly less (not *zero* of course... I swatted a fly a couple of nights ago for example, so there are certainly a few karmic blotches on my slate - if karma is your bag).

so when i said "low impact" it was a more general point than mere environmental damage... i was including such nebulous concepts as the moral impact of eating meat (i don't call it murder, because murder is a legal concept - whatever morrissey may say in his very fine song - and killing an animal isn't murder), which is a biggie in my book.
5 posts

Re: Why am I still vege?
Feb 03, 2001, 14:28
Izzy Orange, I hope you will keep us up to date on your experience on an organic farm. Sounds exciting.
As for me, although one of my main concerns will always be the environment, I don't eat anything that has a face because of my love and respect for the animals. If I and those I love were starving, yes I would kill an animal and eat it. But mankind has so abused its power on this planet, and we've consequently moved so far away from eating for need or survival. It pains me so deeply to think of how animals are abused, and the impact this has on our collective unconscious. That is why I don't eat animals, and that is why I so much of my time is devoted to defending those who can't defend themselves.
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