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"Free enough to loot"
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"Free enough to loot"
Apr 09, 2003, 10:03
Such was the message from a news broadcaster on ITV this morning; "The Iraqi people are free enough to loot"


All this followed by yet more charming pictures of the 'natives' jumping up and down with manic 'gratitude'.

Let's all loot the Whitehouse and Buckingham Palace, are we not free enough?? ;-)
10943 posts

Re: "Free enough to loot"
Apr 09, 2003, 10:31
A story in the Times suggests there is a limit to the looting UK forces are prepared to tolerate in the southern city of Basra.

It reports that six soldiers from the Black Watch were told of an attempt to rob a bank.

One of the soldiers says: "We sledgehammered the doors open, threw in two grenades, and arrested three men who were trying to get into the safe with a blowtorch.

"It was exciting stuff. More like the Sweeney than the army."
Moon Cat
9577 posts

Re: "Free enough to loot"
Apr 09, 2003, 19:35
There's also been much made of dude's slapping pictures of Saddams face with their shoe, apparently a massive insult in the Arab world. They keep showing this one guy slapping away.

It has been supposed that if the looting kicks off in Baghdad the yanks will let it go just far enough so it sends out the message that the people are in revolutionary mode.
195 posts

Re: "Free enough to loot"
Apr 09, 2003, 21:40
Posted by Moon Cat 09.04.03ce 19:35:15

"There's also been much made of dude's slapping pictures of Saddams face with their shoe, apparently a massive insult in the Arab world."

Did you see the other guy saunter up and symbolically stick his dick in Saddam's face and give a little pelic thrust?
That was funny as f**k!

OK. Fair enough that the people are celebrating that they are no longer under the control of Hussain - that is surely a good thing - but what about what happens next? Pretty sure that the people aren't gonna want the USUK 'liberators' hangin around and tellin; them how they should run things...
Moon Cat
9577 posts

Re: Flag flying!
Apr 09, 2003, 22:12
Did you see the draping of the American flag over the base of a statue too? Bet those jarheads that did that will get a bollocking. The marines are supposedly under strict instructions not to wave or cover 'liberated' sites with the Stars N Stripes as it tends to look more like an act of conquest than liberation. Another soldier was waving his flag as his tank trundled into central Baghdad.
Naughty naughty yanks in tanks!!
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