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'Traces' Photographic Exhibition + Gold Sun Disc
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Edited Jul 10, 2015, 13:40
'Traces' Photographic Exhibition + Gold Sun Disc
Jul 09, 2015, 20:25
Went to Wiltshire Museum today while in Devizes. Very much enjoyed the photographic/ceramic exhibition by Steve Speller and Alison Milner. All my favourites there, WKLB, Silbury, Devil's Den, Merry Maidens (Cornwall) and some I've never seen before such as the Hellstone in Dorset. Superb!

Also visited the excellent rest of the museum which is currently displaying two gold sun discs - one found in Jug's Grave, Monkton Farleigh and the other in Mere barrow. Although not apparently connected they are both very similar - smaller than a £2 coin with a cross pattern.

There is also an exhibition of finds made as part of the"Between Stonehenge and Avebury: Marden and the Vale of Pewsey Project".

This has been mentioned elsewhere under 'News' by Moss (re the sun disc) and A.R. Cane (re the photographic exhibition).
The Eternal
924 posts

Re: 'Traces' Photographic Exhibition + Gold Sun Disc
Jul 12, 2015, 22:20
Hi June,

Sounds like a very interesting exhibition. Makes me feel a bit frustrated living so far north as to make a day visit a tad unviable. I'd love to see the sun disc first hand.

All the best,

A R Cane
30 posts

Re: 'Traces' Photographic Exhibition + Gold Sun Disc
Jul 15, 2015, 16:15
Many thanks tjj for posting this and glad you enjoyed the exhibition. If anyone from TMA is in the Devizes area on Saturday 1st August there will be a Private View for the Traces exhibition and a guided tour of the museum by the Director, David at 2.30. I'm assuming entry for those attending will be free and there seems to be a possibility of a drink too! If you need to contact me beforehand my no. is 07711360091. It would be great to meet some of you. Best, Steve
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