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Glastonbury resident antiquarians and festival,.
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Re: Glastonbury resident antiquarians and festival,.
Jul 31, 2013, 22:54
Astralcat wrote:
Yeah right pal. 'How To Contain And Isolate Ancient Knowledge Via Examples Of Isolated Cruel Fact In A Convenient Jam Jar Courtesy Of The Daily Heil ', no less. Apart from a few intrepid independent thinkers, most of you are all just STONES AND COMPASSES. That's it. No Spirit. It's like you wander around in your thick socks with your maps and agendas and just don't GET something so vital. SPIRIT. You need 'EVIDENCE'. Are you so boringly immune to the very real magic of these sacred places ? Sadly, it would seem so. You are all just wasting your time and gazing at rocks and arguing about the antiquity of large pebbles. Nothing more. No Soul. No Spirit.

ps: no members of Steely Dan where clubbed over the head in the making of this post.

Actually no, old buddy old pal, not that, but merely showing what the unchallenged beliefs of the highly illumined could lead to.

ps: Fork the Daily Hatemail as well. The original article was in National geographic.
1043 posts

Re: Glastonbury resident antiquarians and festival,.
Jul 31, 2013, 23:22
tjj wrote:
Evergreen Dazed wrote:
Astralcat wrote:
Glastonbury IS a chakra!

To illustrate the utter pointlessness of this kind of assertion, i'll just say "No it isn't" and that I know that 3000 years ago it was covered in banana and cream trifle.

You won't shift me from that belief.

Its my life illusion, metaphysical, garden gnomic view.

I really don't know why you have to talk to people like this. I'm going to defend Astralcat because, although I've not met him, know him to be a good, compassionate person who fights vigorously against injustice - whether it be people with disabilities, whales being slaughtered or badgers being killed etc, ect ... a very long list indeed. What does it matter what someone believes about Glastonbury, what is with all this 'prove it' shit. How about a little bit of inclusive courtesy.

That applies to Mustard too, lecturing people about humility ... talk about pot - kettle.

Did you miss the bit where your nice man dismissed an entire forum of people as boring and soulless, essentially because they don't accept that Glastonbury is a chakra? Here's the bit in question:

"You are all just wasting your time and gazing at rocks and arguing about the antiquity of large pebbles. Nothing more. No Soul. No Spirit."

So please, spare me the sanctimonious lecture. I couldn't care less what your friend believes. But if he comes to a public forum stating those beliefs as FACTS, then it is not unreasonable to request PROOF. It is also incredibly arrogant behaviour, to elevate one's own personal beliefs above others, by claiming that those beliefs are FACTS.
1043 posts

Re: Glastonbury resident antiquarians and festival,.
Jul 31, 2013, 23:24
thesweetcheat wrote:
Astralcat wrote:
Apart from a few intrepid independent thinkers, most of you are all just STONES AND COMPASSES. That's it. No Spirit. It's like you wander around in your thick socks with your maps and agendas and just don't GET something so vital. SPIRIT. You need 'EVIDENCE'. Are you so boringly immune to the very real magic of these sacred places ? Sadly, it would seem so. You are all just wasting your time and gazing at rocks and arguing about the antiquity of large pebbles. Nothing more. No Soul. No Spirit.

There's a whole lot of presumption going on in that post AC. Just because someone doesn't spend their time writing about mystical-this and spiritual-that doesn't mean that they're "immune" to the magic of these places, just that maybe they don't choose to express that aspect in print. Because maybe they don't have the words and would actually much prefer to try to get other people out there to see for themselves. Not everyone wants to share their "feelings" about everything with everyone. Doesn't mean that they don't have feelings.

Exactly and precisely that. I most definitely experience the magic of these places. But it is personal to me, and I do not seek to project those views onto others, or to tell others what the magic of these places must mean. I photograph them, trying to capture their spirit, to encourage others to get out and see them themselves. Which is exactly why I started my website and put ten years of effort into travelling the country from Orkney to Cornwall, photographing ancient sites.
1043 posts

Re: OT - Opinion-as-fact vs objective discussion
Jul 31, 2013, 23:26
thesweetcheat wrote:
tjj wrote:
What does it matter what someone believes about Glastonbury, what is with all this 'prove it' shit.

Hi tjj, unless I've misunderstood, I don't think anyone's saying that it matters what someone "believes" about Glastonbury at all.

I think what's causing the disagreement is when what someone believes starts to be asserted as fact. "I believe Glastonbury to be a chakra" is a very different statement to "Glastonbury IS a chakra".

Quite often threads on here descend into arguments because opinion starts to become entrenched and then argued as fact. And once someone's opinion is stated as fact, it is likely to be challenged, whereas generally peoples' beliefs won't be challenged in the same way (because they're simply beliefs, thus entirely subjective).

And then the proponent of the original belief-as-fact gets upset because essentially someone appears to be questioning their beliefs, when actually what is being challenged is the assertion that those beliefs are fact.

We have had this time and time again on here and it's only going to keep happening unless people express personal beliefs as "I believe that ..." rather than "it is the case that ...".

Precisely. It's really not complicated. Throughout this thread, those who believe in the more mystical side of things have been given ample opportunity to simply state "these are my beliefs", but at every turn they've reaffirmed them as facts.
3608 posts

Re: Glastonbury resident antiquarians and festival,.
Jul 31, 2013, 23:31
Stop shouting, I heard you. I didn't miss anything 'my friend' wrote - so he's passionate about what he believes. I believe he is quite young (compared to me anyway). I don't like to see good people ridiculed - and you clearly don't like being challenged do you - batting words like sanctimonious around has no effect on me whatsoever. Just because you said it doesn't make it fact - its just your opinion.
742 posts

Re: Glastonbury resident antiquarians and festival,.
Aug 01, 2013, 07:49
Mustard wrote:
tjj wrote:
Evergreen Dazed wrote:
Astralcat wrote:
Glastonbury IS a chakra!

To illustrate the utter pointlessness of this kind of assertion, i'll just say "No it isn't" and that I know that 3000 years ago it was covered in banana and cream trifle.

You won't shift me from that belief.

Its my life illusion, metaphysical, garden gnomic view.

I really don't know why you have to talk to people like this. I'm going to defend Astralcat because, although I've not met him, know him to be a good, compassionate person who fights vigorously against injustice - whether it be people with disabilities, whales being slaughtered or badgers being killed etc, ect ... a very long list indeed. What does it matter what someone believes about Glastonbury, what is with all this 'prove it' shit. How about a little bit of inclusive courtesy.

That applies to Mustard too, lecturing people about humility ... talk about pot - kettle.

Did you miss the bit where your nice man dismissed an entire forum of people as boring and soulless, essentially because they don't accept that Glastonbury is a chakra? Here's the bit in question:

"You are all just wasting your time and gazing at rocks and arguing about the antiquity of large pebbles. Nothing more. No Soul. No Spirit."

So please, spare me the sanctimonious lecture. I couldn't care less what your friend believes. But if he comes to a public forum stating those beliefs as FACTS, then it is not unreasonable to request PROOF. It is also incredibly arrogant behaviour, to elevate one's own personal beliefs above others, by claiming that those beliefs are FACTS.

Sense of humour failure ? I thought my post was claerly tongue inc cheek, a gentle wind up so to speak, and I obviously was not referring to everyone here! Some people who contribute are my friends.

Anyway, you obsession with FACTS. What about the spirit of a place ? Its natural poetry ? Its inner voice and memory ? These are vitally important. You cannot reduce everything to solely quantifiable facts. The universe includes our dreams, yearnings, visions, loves and sorrows. Places can retain these within the psychic atmosphere.Seriously, have you ever dowsed or meditated at a sacred site ? It's quite amazing what you sometimes experience. These experiences are facts too.
5386 posts

Re: Glastonbury resident antiquarians and festival,.
Aug 01, 2013, 08:38
Astralcat wrote:
What about the spirit of a place ? Its natural poetry ? Its inner voice and memory ? These are vitally important. You cannot reduce everything to solely quantifiable facts. The universe includes our dreams, yearnings, visions, loves and sorrows. Places can retain these within the psychic atmosphere.

It’s possibly statements such as 'Places can retain these within the psychic atmosphere.' that are problematic for some of us Mr A.

Most of us here will acknowledge that we ‘feel’ different things at different places but most of us stay within that description (one of feeling for a place) without stating it as inarguable fact. In the wider world there are people, groups and whole nations who claim such-and-such a thing is so (or not so) and we know what that can lead to...

As has already been said, the simple insertion of the words ‘I believe’ as in, “I believe places can...) not only frees up the idea from inarguable fact to an interesting possibility, it also allows others to engage with the idea in a more positive way.
5291 posts

Re: Glastonbury resident antiquarians and festival,.
Aug 01, 2013, 08:44
That they were an experience that happened to you is a fact. But what you report as experiencing isn't a fact in the same sense, is it, like wot a dictionary would say, come on. It was a subjective experience of one person that could have been different for a million reasons. That's not like the height of the empire state building or 2+2=4. You may dismiss me as pointlessly arguing about the meaning of words. I'm not saying there's no value in artistic creative things or subjective things or imaginary things, of course not. But if a conversation doesn't stick to what words in the english language have grown to mean over 100s of years, how can there be any understandable discussion between people?

(no i don't have to read this forum)
8112 posts

Re: Glastonbury resident antiquarians and festival,.
Aug 01, 2013, 08:47
FYI I bet there's just about no-one here that doesn't believe in and has experienced spirit of place and natural poetry and inner voice - which fact entirely confounds your previous dismissal of us as lacking soul or whatever.

(That doesn't mean they all take those experiences to indicate external forces at work though. There are explanations other than yours you know - which is why you have been asked repeatedly to preface what you say with "I think that..."
742 posts

Re: Glastonbury resident antiquarians and festival,.
Aug 01, 2013, 08:57
nigelswift wrote:
FYI I bet there's just about no-one here that doesn't believe in and has experienced spirit of place and natural poetry and inner voice - which fact entirely confounds your previous dismissal of us as lacking soul or whatever.

(That doesn't mean they all take those experiences to indicate external forces at work though. There are explanations other than yours you know - which is why you have been asked repeatedly to preface what you say with "I think that..."

I replied to Mustard that that was a tongue in cheek post (Steely Dan ?) and that in any case I was not referring to everyone one, but a tendency with some to be, as I see it, so steeped in science and materialism that something vital gets lost along the way. As for arguing about semantics ?...
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