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1986 posts

Re: Alexander Keiller's Avebury/The Sanctuary Stage 1
Jan 25, 2013, 15:56
Sanctuary wrote:
harestonesdown wrote:
Sanctuary wrote:
harestonesdown wrote:
Sanctuary wrote:
nigelswift wrote:
I'm very used to being called narrow minded, negative and a block to progress by detectorists for my opposition to their right to take stuff for themselves and the Head of PAS says my problem is I "won't get on the train to Liaisonville". Too right I won't.

It's all water off a duck's back!

Would it, I wonder, be more 'acceptable' Nigel as an 'Introduction to Avebury' from the east via the Sanctuary to recreate what we believe to be the original timber posts circles to the said Sanctuary? Archaeos have always pondered and even speculated over the first post or hut circle being roofed. That would look quite special I would have thought and although 'new' would almost certainly have had its own timbers replaced during its time. It would take the complex back to its believed beginnings and look brilliant and very educational. The further stages could be displayed on info boards but would be even better if displayed in the hut itself...all 15ft diameter of it, although the second stage being 35ft in diameter and also speculated as being roofed because of intervening 'thin' posts would be even better.
What do folk think of that as an alternative option?

Drawing extra visitors to The Sanctuary would be very dangerous imo.

Of course it would if not well thought about, planned and catered for before hand. That applies to everything.

Well there's the stumbling block. ! There would have to be "improvements" to the A4 before this could go anywhere, and that's not gonna happen.

We should have named this thread 'Stumbling Blocks' :-)

When society as we know it crumbles down around us and we have to build it back up again, this is when everything will change and we'll then go back to all the ancient places, not as relics but as living breathing centers of a humanity living in/with nature not against it, the future is ours, we just have to wait [dunno were that all came from???].
1986 posts

Re: Alexander Keiller's Avebury/The Sanctuary
Jan 25, 2013, 16:01
nigelswift wrote:
Quite. The subtext is that I'm being characterised as a blinkered nitpicker for opposing these two statements by 2 people early in the thread:

“The re-erecting of the stones at Avebury is a no brainer”

and “The argument for leaving the Avebury stones buried or fallen is a spurious one”

Well I oppose them alright and so does every archaeologist no doubt (including Mike Pitts). So just to clarify what I've actually been saying all along (not what others might want to represent me as having said):

The proper approach should be a compromise between the present and the future with the bulk of the cake being bequeathed to the future.

That's not obstructionist, it's not negative and it wouldn't be seen as wrong by archaeologists - or the future.

We don't know how the kids will think though do we? I'm one step away from the way you think, as are all the other people my age [and younger] i've spoken to about Avebury and they all think we should put some of the buried stones back up and learn more about the place at the same time, you're way of thinking imo will be outdated in 20 years time.
4670 posts

Re: Alexander Keiller's Avebury/The Sanctuary Stage 1
Jan 25, 2013, 16:02
bladup wrote:
Sanctuary wrote:
harestonesdown wrote:
Sanctuary wrote:
harestonesdown wrote:
Sanctuary wrote:
nigelswift wrote:
I'm very used to being called narrow minded, negative and a block to progress by detectorists for my opposition to their right to take stuff for themselves and the Head of PAS says my problem is I "won't get on the train to Liaisonville". Too right I won't.

It's all water off a duck's back!

Would it, I wonder, be more 'acceptable' Nigel as an 'Introduction to Avebury' from the east via the Sanctuary to recreate what we believe to be the original timber posts circles to the said Sanctuary? Archaeos have always pondered and even speculated over the first post or hut circle being roofed. That would look quite special I would have thought and although 'new' would almost certainly have had its own timbers replaced during its time. It would take the complex back to its believed beginnings and look brilliant and very educational. The further stages could be displayed on info boards but would be even better if displayed in the hut itself...all 15ft diameter of it, although the second stage being 35ft in diameter and also speculated as being roofed because of intervening 'thin' posts would be even better.
What do folk think of that as an alternative option?

Drawing extra visitors to The Sanctuary would be very dangerous imo.

Of course it would if not well thought about, planned and catered for before hand. That applies to everything.

Well there's the stumbling block. ! There would have to be "improvements" to the A4 before this could go anywhere, and that's not gonna happen.

We should have named this thread 'Stumbling Blocks' :-)

When society as we know it crumbles down around us and we have to build it back up again, this is when everything will change and we'll then go back to all the ancient places, not as relics but as living breathing centers of a humanity living in/with nature not against it, the future is ours, we just have to wait [dunno were that all came from???].

From the heart by the sound of it Paul.
1986 posts

Re: Alexander Keiller's Avebury/The Sanctuary
Jan 25, 2013, 16:02
Littlestone wrote:
tiompan wrote:
Narrow minded just means "you don't agree with me "

I disagree.

To quote just one definition, narrow-minded is, “...having a biased or illiberal viewpoint; bigoted, intolerant, or prejudiced.” I think that describes rather well some of the anti-re-erection arguments present here.

Who can really be against a Re - erection?
1986 posts

Re: Alexander Keiller's Avebury/The Sanctuary Stage 1
Jan 25, 2013, 16:03
Sanctuary wrote:
bladup wrote:
Sanctuary wrote:
harestonesdown wrote:
Sanctuary wrote:
harestonesdown wrote:
Sanctuary wrote:
nigelswift wrote:
I'm very used to being called narrow minded, negative and a block to progress by detectorists for my opposition to their right to take stuff for themselves and the Head of PAS says my problem is I "won't get on the train to Liaisonville". Too right I won't.

It's all water off a duck's back!

Would it, I wonder, be more 'acceptable' Nigel as an 'Introduction to Avebury' from the east via the Sanctuary to recreate what we believe to be the original timber posts circles to the said Sanctuary? Archaeos have always pondered and even speculated over the first post or hut circle being roofed. That would look quite special I would have thought and although 'new' would almost certainly have had its own timbers replaced during its time. It would take the complex back to its believed beginnings and look brilliant and very educational. The further stages could be displayed on info boards but would be even better if displayed in the hut itself...all 15ft diameter of it, although the second stage being 35ft in diameter and also speculated as being roofed because of intervening 'thin' posts would be even better.
What do folk think of that as an alternative option?

Drawing extra visitors to The Sanctuary would be very dangerous imo.

Of course it would if not well thought about, planned and catered for before hand. That applies to everything.

Well there's the stumbling block. ! There would have to be "improvements" to the A4 before this could go anywhere, and that's not gonna happen.

We should have named this thread 'Stumbling Blocks' :-)

When society as we know it crumbles down around us and we have to build it back up again, this is when everything will change and we'll then go back to all the ancient places, not as relics but as living breathing centers of a humanity living in/with nature not against it, the future is ours, we just have to wait [dunno were that all came from???].

From the heart by the sound of it Paul.

See i do have one!!!
4670 posts

Re: Alexander Keiller's Avebury/The Sanctuary Stage 1
Jan 25, 2013, 16:06
bladup wrote:
Sanctuary wrote:
bladup wrote:
Sanctuary wrote:
harestonesdown wrote:
Sanctuary wrote:
harestonesdown wrote:
Sanctuary wrote:
nigelswift wrote:
I'm very used to being called narrow minded, negative and a block to progress by detectorists for my opposition to their right to take stuff for themselves and the Head of PAS says my problem is I "won't get on the train to Liaisonville". Too right I won't.

It's all water off a duck's back!

Would it, I wonder, be more 'acceptable' Nigel as an 'Introduction to Avebury' from the east via the Sanctuary to recreate what we believe to be the original timber posts circles to the said Sanctuary? Archaeos have always pondered and even speculated over the first post or hut circle being roofed. That would look quite special I would have thought and although 'new' would almost certainly have had its own timbers replaced during its time. It would take the complex back to its believed beginnings and look brilliant and very educational. The further stages could be displayed on info boards but would be even better if displayed in the hut itself...all 15ft diameter of it, although the second stage being 35ft in diameter and also speculated as being roofed because of intervening 'thin' posts would be even better.
What do folk think of that as an alternative option?

Drawing extra visitors to The Sanctuary would be very dangerous imo.

Of course it would if not well thought about, planned and catered for before hand. That applies to everything.

Well there's the stumbling block. ! There would have to be "improvements" to the A4 before this could go anywhere, and that's not gonna happen.

We should have named this thread 'Stumbling Blocks' :-)

When society as we know it crumbles down around us and we have to build it back up again, this is when everything will change and we'll then go back to all the ancient places, not as relics but as living breathing centers of a humanity living in/with nature not against it, the future is ours, we just have to wait [dunno were that all came from???].

From the heart by the sound of it Paul.

See i do have one!!!

As long as it's not made of stone you may be re-surrected one day :-)
8112 posts

Re: Alexander Keiller's Avebury/The Sanctuary
Jan 25, 2013, 16:10
You're determined to see the issue as dividing along age lines aren't you? But I'll have you know I'm younger than the two leading putter-uppers on this thread so your theory is wrong...
1067 posts

Re: Alexander Keiller's Avebury/The Sanctuary
Jan 25, 2013, 16:13
nigelswift wrote:
You're determined to see the issue as dividing along age lines aren't you? But I'll have you know I'm younger than the two leading putter-uppers on this thread so your theory is wrong...

Dunno where i fall into this, i'm 43 today though and not a single card from any of you. ! ;)
4670 posts

Re: Alexander Keiller's Avebury/The Sanctuary
Jan 25, 2013, 16:14
nigelswift wrote:
But I'll have you know I'm younger than the two leading putter-uppers on this thread so your theory is wrong...

Go on rub it in why don't you :-)
1986 posts

Re: Alexander Keiller's Avebury/The Sanctuary Stage 1
Jan 25, 2013, 16:15
Sanctuary wrote:
bladup wrote:
Sanctuary wrote:
bladup wrote:
Sanctuary wrote:
harestonesdown wrote:
Sanctuary wrote:
harestonesdown wrote:
Sanctuary wrote:
nigelswift wrote:
I'm very used to being called narrow minded, negative and a block to progress by detectorists for my opposition to their right to take stuff for themselves and the Head of PAS says my problem is I "won't get on the train to Liaisonville". Too right I won't.

It's all water off a duck's back!

Would it, I wonder, be more 'acceptable' Nigel as an 'Introduction to Avebury' from the east via the Sanctuary to recreate what we believe to be the original timber posts circles to the said Sanctuary? Archaeos have always pondered and even speculated over the first post or hut circle being roofed. That would look quite special I would have thought and although 'new' would almost certainly have had its own timbers replaced during its time. It would take the complex back to its believed beginnings and look brilliant and very educational. The further stages could be displayed on info boards but would be even better if displayed in the hut itself...all 15ft diameter of it, although the second stage being 35ft in diameter and also speculated as being roofed because of intervening 'thin' posts would be even better.
What do folk think of that as an alternative option?

Drawing extra visitors to The Sanctuary would be very dangerous imo.

Of course it would if not well thought about, planned and catered for before hand. That applies to everything.

Well there's the stumbling block. ! There would have to be "improvements" to the A4 before this could go anywhere, and that's not gonna happen.

We should have named this thread 'Stumbling Blocks' :-)

When society as we know it crumbles down around us and we have to build it back up again, this is when everything will change and we'll then go back to all the ancient places, not as relics but as living breathing centers of a humanity living in/with nature not against it, the future is ours, we just have to wait [dunno were that all came from???].

From the heart by the sound of it Paul.

See i do have one!!!

As long as it's not made of stone you may be re-surrected one day :-)

It's set in stone!!!
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