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A shot in the dark
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Re: A shot in the dark
Jul 25, 2012, 22:13
Quite right, although I think the thread started on the premise that lots were like this, but I still reckon that someone with time on their hands (not me) needs to start looking at it (a bit) scientifically.

Sure, however I said 'many' not 'lots'. In Cardiganshire, Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire there are some seven or eight - maybe more. But that’s not the point. As I said above, if three - just three - ancient stone foundations are found in a relatively small area, all in the shape of a cross with the longest section of the cross aligned roughly east-west (in all three) it’s reasonable to assume that the shape and positioning of those foundations had meaning for their builders (in this case a meaning set in the Christian tradition).

That’s the point of this thread. If more than three capstones are showing a similar shape and positioning it’s reasonable to assume there’s a shared belief system at work - and as I said above, it’s fun to speculate what that might be.
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