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WKLB, Shamans and the Cosmos
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Re: WKLB, Shamans and the Cosmos
May 08, 2011, 21:17
StoneGloves wrote:
But there you go. The drumming, near the end of the piece, is pretty impressive and could only have been improved by a reed or bone flute, in the mix. I suppose the synthetic equivalent would be Mellotron!

I'll go along with that. A bit of flute-bone would have set it off nice. They sort of lost it a bit just before they stopped, but there were some interesting harmonics being produced.

Having said that, if your bband was playing up Tiompan, you didnae miss much. Pretty much standard yoghurt-weaving fare, a bit of dowsing, a bit of drumming, thankfully no chanting, and all liberally sprinkled with that wonderful new-age ability to accept wishful ideas as facts.

It failed to convince me to buy the book. But I demand kudos for watching the whole thing and only making a derisory snorting noise once. At least only once out loud. For I wanted to do so on more than one occasion and suppressed it in the name of politeness, but sometimes you just can't contain a derisory snorting noise. Sorry.

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