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Wade's Causeway
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81 posts

Wade's Causeway
Apr 17, 2008, 16:07
My bro and I are thinking of driving out to find Wade's Causeway next week. Yeah, I know it's probs a Roman road.. but its name links it to Woden in our heads and there are plenty of barrows around, heh.

Anyway it's on the North York Moors and involves a fair amount of legwork over the moors and I wondered if anyone knew if this area would be boggy after all the rain and dodgy to walk over?

Also, any other info on the surrounding area?

Cheers peeps!
379 posts

Re: Wade's Causeway
Apr 17, 2008, 16:19
If you're going up on the moors it's best to take a short length of wooden ladder then, if you fall into a bog, you can put the ladder over the surface and use it to get free. Also there are some stones near Robin Hood's Bay that are under-imaged. Are they a collection of odd stones, a stone row, or something completely different? Red, something, not far from the road, quite large lumps.
81 posts

Re: Wade's Causeway
Apr 17, 2008, 16:30
Ah yeah.. Ramsdale Stones, about 5 mins walk from the road.. a little-known gem. There's a fantastic view from them of the bay as they're on a slope down to the cliffs.
Three wide stones in a triangle, tallest is about a metre. I love that place.
I didn't upload my pics as there was plenty and mine offered nothing new...
Blakey Topping is on the way too which has some stones at its foot.
It's associated with Wade as well!
I just wondered if everything would be bog-ridden, not knowing the land too well and knowing there's been a helluva lot of rain...
2709 posts

Re: Wade's Causeway
Apr 17, 2008, 16:31
Howdo YP,
The causeway is pretty close to the road, it's usually quite boggy up there so a pair of wellies may be a good idea.
tracking down the origins of Wade near drove me around the bend but that's another tale.
Check out this
The page has a letter from Blaise Vyner giving his theory that the causeway may be a lot older than Roman, there's plenty of folk who don't agree though.
Whilst in the area you should have a look at this
It has a disputed tag on it but I'm don't let that put you off, this well is on the margin of a large site that has substantial evidence of occupation from the mesolithic to the bronze age and is the only decent water source around, plus it's pretty.
A walk up to this place from the causeway is not to difficult
Whilst your on the road it's worth having a look at the Wheeldale stones, mixed feelings over the antiquity of these but they're worth seeing.
Have a good trip
5758 posts

Re: Wade's Causeway
Apr 18, 2008, 15:09
YP ,you may find this intersting if url works .As well as a ladder why not take a table ,could be useful ,I would suggest a piano too but if your hands are full a portative organ might have to suffice http://www.whitbygazette.co.uk/news/Exploring-Mesolithic-times-of-moorland.3978959.jp
81 posts

Re: Wade's Causeway
Apr 20, 2008, 11:58
Wow! Thanks so much for those links Fitz! I'll definitely check those out, man. I'd heard the causeway could be more ancient and I shall muse over it when I'm there. Does Wade's Causeway have wings, I wonder?
Doubt Wade could send me any further round the bend than I already am. Is he just Odin/Woden? Is he only mentioned up here? Could he beat that southern wuss Wayland in a scrap?
2709 posts

Re: Wade's Causeway
Apr 20, 2008, 12:00
Cheers YP
According to some, Wade is Wayland's ould fella.

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