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local tv: metal detectorists vs archaeologists
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local tv: metal detectorists vs archaeologists
May 15, 2007, 18:07
It's on Meridian tonight at 7:30 - "Debbie Thrower investigates tensions between metal detectorists and archaeologists in the light of a Kent man's claim that the British /Museum has failed to give him any recognition for the discovery of a Bronze Age gold cup." diddums.
might be interesting, if you're in the Meridian bit of the country
8112 posts

Re: local tv: metal detectorists vs archaeologists
May 15, 2007, 19:18
Hmmm, well this is Cliff Bradshaw, discoverer of the Ringlemere Gold Cup, and he got loads of publicity (see Google).

He discovered it by deliberately detecting on a "low mound" in the middle of a potato field that he recognised as probably prehistoric. It turned out to be a mostly ploughed out barrow that would have originally been one of the very largest in southern England....

Oh, and he and the farmer shared a reward of £250,000...

Diddums indeed. In fact so far as I'm concerned he can shove his metal detector.
10943 posts

Re: local tv: metal detectorists vs archaeologists
May 15, 2007, 19:43
nigelswift wrote:
Oh, and he and the farmer shared a reward of £250,000...

Did Time Team do a follow up dig on that mound?
8112 posts

Re: local tv: metal detectorists vs archaeologists
May 15, 2007, 20:05
The whole area turned out to be a very, very big deal - http://www.canterburytrust.co.uk/ringleme.html
3926 posts

Re: local tv: metal detectorists vs archaeologists
May 16, 2007, 08:48
Managed to catch this before going out...

Yeah - I have to say that the programme itself seemed fairly heavily biased toward pro-detectoring, but at he same time, I had no sympathy whatsoever toward the treasure hunters!

They maintained that it was the thrill of the hunt, and not the financial gain, but at the end of the day, all the whinging was about lack of recompense! Recognition for the finds was mentioned, in fairness, but money kept cropping up an inordinate amount for someone maintaining money wasn't a factor...

Reminded me of the old foxhunters' justification. They publicly harp(ed) on about how it was all about the thrill of the chase but privately about how they love(d) killing foxes*. Detectorists do it because they want to find something valuable. Why else would they do it? I suppose that much is obvious, and the problem really is what they do with it afterwards... Although I did find the words "that's lost its context now" each time a "find" was shown...

G x

* Past tense used in brackets as they are no longer legally allowed to do this but still somehow manage to get away with it! Don't get me started! ;o)
8112 posts

Re: local tv: metal detectorists vs archaeologists
May 16, 2007, 09:09
"Recognition for the finds was mentioned, in fairness"

Well, I'm sorry, how much ruddy recognition does he want? His name was everywhere. He was given a write up in PAS's Annual Report and they actually mentioned he was now "a star of TV and the tabloid press...."

What really upsets me also is that he was held up as a model of responsible behaviour. But bear in mind he targetted what he knew was a prehistoric mound. As per typical. Legally, as it wasn't scheduled. (It will be by now).

Would YOU do that? 'Course not. But they all do, they target such suspected places and think its OK. And he finds something so he gets praised for it ! Yet the same action, now its scheduled, or the same action ANYWHERE in Northern Ireland or any other sane country wouldn't be praiseworthy it would be imprisonable.

3926 posts

Re: local tv: metal detectorists vs archaeologists
May 16, 2007, 09:47
nigelswift wrote:
Well, I'm sorry, how much ruddy recognition does he want? His name was everywhere. He was given a write up in PAS's Annual Report and they actually mentioned he was now "a star of TV and the tabloid press...."

FFS indeed! ;o)

When I say "in fairness", I was really just covering my butt when I said all they mentioned was cash... I don't really feel fair toward them. Don't worry... ;o)

G x
8112 posts

Re: local tv: metal detectorists vs archaeologists
May 16, 2007, 10:12
"When I say "in fairness", I was really just covering my butt "

Yeah, right, and slipping in mention of fox hunters to boot wasn't part of an agenda to get the old boy going was it?

Don't worry, I love 'em really. In fact, I did hear their hobby actually INCREASES the number of artefacts in the fields. D'you reckon that's right?
2897 posts

Re: local tv: metal detectorists vs archaeologists
May 16, 2007, 10:32
"In fact, I did hear their hobby actually INCREASES the number of artefacts in the fields. D'you reckon that's right?"

Funnily enough I saw a clock ticking somewhere registering that. ;)
36 posts

Re: local tv: metal detectorists vs archaeologists
May 27, 2007, 21:30
You never change do you Nigel?
no matter what name you use.
I thought you were all for responsible detecting.
You have had one agenda,throughout your lies
and that's for banning detecting end of.
Your problem is saying one thing to your peers,and another to others.
Your secret has been out for a while now.
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