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371 posts

Re: Hety Peglars
Feb 22, 2002, 23:22
I do love those panoramic views of monuments, but how the hell do you make em'. Do you have to walk behind the camera while it scans, or just leg it out as fast as you can to get out the way (or if your outside, i suppose you hide behind a tree/stone or whatever).
That Stoney Littleton is one of the best I've sen though. Thanks for the link.
Pete G
Pete G
3506 posts

Re: Pano's
Feb 23, 2002, 00:16
I use a digital camera and take 12 pics that are stitched together.
The sphericals are done by The Ragged Rascals and they use an 8mm lens. 3 shots make a whole spherical. Very neat eh?
Check out
if you want to see lots more of avebury etc
606 posts

Re: Lemon Sqeezy
Feb 23, 2002, 08:39
Makes it sound so easy! Nice work on that P! Did you work on the Avebury job too? Have to buy a copy of that - any other available ?
Pete G
Pete G
3506 posts

Re: Avebury
Feb 23, 2002, 13:42
I did all the Avebury one meself.
I'm staring on Vol2 when the dig at Beckhampton/Kennet/Falkners start soon.
371 posts

Re: Lemon Sqeezy
Feb 23, 2002, 19:57
Check out the Orkney islands home page. they used to have some great pans last year, though haven't visited for a while, so they might of gone.
There are some nice stills here though.


Some nice peak pics and VR panoramas here...


And an exhaustive list of links here..


happy hunting.
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