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Lets Blow this Dowsing Lark off Finally!
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1696 posts

Re: Lets Blow this Dowsing Lark off Finally!
Apr 07, 2006, 12:37
You'll notice I put "proper archaeologist" in speech marks.
I think all those definitions you put forward are valid, obviously. I just get a bit hacked off sometimes with some of the assumed superiority of some round here.
I just feel that some people here should maybe try and do some serious academic research, publish, subject themselves to the rigor of peer review etc, rather than bully the likes of Kevin.
There are other forums for dry, academic/scientific discourse, just as there are for bizarre new age stuff, but maybe some people wouldn't fancy having an argument they could actually lose.
8112 posts

Re: Lets Blow this Dowsing Lark off Finally!
Apr 07, 2006, 12:58
So who are these embittered non-archaeologists who haven't published anything, have unconventional arrangements for excretion, are scared of losing an academic argument and who have been bullying Kevin? Name the swines says I.
5291 posts

Re: Lets Blow this Dowsing Lark off Finally!
Apr 07, 2006, 13:32
"My mate did a bit of dowsing at Knowlton Henges and suspects there are a few stones buried there. Didn't Southampton University find a buried stone there quite recently using such a method?"

Yes - and I've got something from the fortean times on it - just keep leaving it on the table at home but I will type it in soon.
468 posts

Re: Lets Blow this Dowsing Lark off Finally!
Apr 07, 2006, 14:07
OK, good, Kevin. But all this stuff has been gone over a million times. A google of "straight tracks" (use the quote marks) and some additional words: watkins, ley, Devereux will turn up more pages than you could read in a year. It's really old news. Interesting, certainly, especially when you wonder why straight tracks were the hallmark of spirit roads, but still, old news.
1053 posts

Re: Lets Blow this Dowsing Lark off Finally!
Apr 07, 2006, 14:45
Was this the link you were looking for?


Steve Gray
Steve Gray
931 posts

Re:you want proof?
Apr 07, 2006, 16:35
To convince us, you need to do something that we can independently verify and that you could not possibly fake. Since we have no way (other than you) to measure your energy lines we cannot perform an independent verification directly, so we have to come up with an indirect method. It's very difficult to walk in a straight line while blindfolded, so if you could do that, it would provide a very good indirect menas to verify that you were, indeed following something that nobody else can detect.

A large enclosed area is not a suitable suggestion because you could use the enclosure itself as a frame of reference. Since we have no way to independently measure your lines, we could not verify that you were following one of them.
3926 posts

Re: Lets Blow this Dowsing Lark off Finally!
Apr 07, 2006, 18:35
I love Old Sarum - spent many a drunken night there with me mates in my youth...

Those flint foundations - I'm sorry to have to tell you, but I'm pretty sure they are an early 20th century thing - they did that to reinforce the crumbling stones of the original structure...

G x
Steve Gray
Steve Gray
931 posts

Re:you want proof?
Apr 07, 2006, 20:33
You don't need millimetric accuracy. If you are within a foot or so of a line 200 yards long, that would be sufficient. We could test what a non-dowsing person is capable of under the same conditions with anyone who is prepared to give it a go. The comparision of results would be interesting. If you can exceed the best of the rest by a good margin we'll enter the Randi contest and split the winnings!!! :o)
211 posts

Re: Lets Blow this Dowsing Lark off Finally!
Apr 09, 2006, 05:45
What makes dowsing paranormal?
Steve Gray
Steve Gray
931 posts

Re: Lets Blow this Dowsing Lark off Finally!
Apr 09, 2006, 06:59
Apparently Randi considers it so.
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