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Neolithic Bows
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Alan West
2 posts

Neolithic Bows
Oct 11, 2005, 11:44
Does anyone know how many Neolithic bows have been found in Britian? Are there any publications or journal articles that cover prehistoric bows?

Many thanks for any help anyone can give.

5296 posts

Re: Neolithic Bows
Oct 11, 2005, 12:42
I expect you've seen these links already? Sorry not to be more help.

Clark, J.G.D., "Neolithic Bows From Somerset, England, and the Prehistory of Archery in North-West Europe", Proc. Prehistoric Soc., xxix, December 1963, pp. 50-98.
from the list at

also stuff at

A mesolithic bow was found in Rotten Bottom bog in Scotland.
Vybik Jon
Vybik Jon
7728 posts

Re: Neolithic Bows
Oct 11, 2005, 12:49
As in things that went with neolithic bonnets?

I'll get my shawl.
10943 posts

Re: Neolithic Bows
Oct 11, 2005, 13:28
Now I had an image of loads of cavemen bending at the waist
Wild Wooder
216 posts

Re: Neolithic Bows
Oct 11, 2005, 14:19
I think Rhiannon has got it well covered but there are a few extra possible sources.

This page gives an extremely valuable contact
I don't know Mr Soar personally but have spoken to him and he's extremely knowledgeable. He contributes regularly to an archery magazine The Glade (http://www.theglade.co.uk/) and also used to contribute to a US magazine Instinctive Archer, now sadly out of print.

There's also the Society for the Preservation of Instinctive Archery, some info at:

And I can recommend the Longbow by Robert Hardy and The Grey Goose Wing by EG Heath. The latter is out of print but some libraries have a copy. Got a first edition meself and guard it with my life.

There is also the sport of field archery, see http://www.nfas.net/ , within which some members recreate and shoot historic bows including some found in Britain like the Meare Heath Bow (think it's British)

I've been out of archery for a few years but there are many people who will help you if you start with the above contacts.
2016 posts

Re: Neolithic Bows
Oct 11, 2005, 16:19
Whatever turns you on FW... I'm suddenly seeing a whole new niche market on t'net.
Alan West
2 posts

Re: Neolithic Bows
Oct 12, 2005, 10:56
Many thanks for all the info and links - some interesting stuff there.

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