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Stones maketh the melody
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81 posts

Stones maketh the melody
Oct 25, 2004, 16:21
Has anyone ever written a song in a stone circle or a henge? If so was the meaning and the madness magnified?
I haven't, although I have written stuff *about* places I've been. Kind of retrospectically.
Sat alone in a room looking back on journeys, I often feel more mystical and insightful than when I'm actually stood/sat/sprawled there.
Probably just me. I've never been great at digging the moment.
325 posts

Re: Stones maketh the melody
Oct 25, 2004, 19:53
i gave up meat eating after an incident at castlerigg..........i was stood in the "middly bit" minding my own business when a young bull came to say hello...a few minutes later there were thirteen of them...all standing there looking all "cow eyed" at me...it was also a taurus full moon....

i later realised i had a bright red camera bag with me and they were more than likely interested in that instead!!!!

but it still left an impact

(no tunes written yet in one though)
81 posts

Re: Stones maketh the melody
Oct 25, 2004, 22:31
No song perhaps, but an encounter rich with symbolism nevertheless.
I was once prevented from approaching Ba'l Hill by some seriously grim bulls. The next time there were no bulls, but from the summit I was highly amused by some sheep.
I was gonna make a joke about Baaa'l Hill there, but I'm new here so had better take things one step at a time.
1308 posts

Re: Stones maketh the melody
Oct 26, 2004, 10:18
Nik Turner did play his flute within the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid of Cheops way back in the '70's and the echoey result can be heard on his album Xitintoday.

2709 posts

Re: Stones maketh the melody
Oct 26, 2004, 10:27
Mr Cope's Paranormal in the West Country springs to mind
1905 posts

Re: Stones maketh the melody
Oct 26, 2004, 10:28
"i later realised i had a bright red camera bag with me and they were more than likely interested in that instead!!!!"

I doubt it!! Cows and Bulls can't see the colour red!! They go after the bullfighter (or whoever or whatever) as they are more interested in movement and the ritualistic 'swishing' of the cape and the posturing of the bullfighter than the actual colour itself.. it could be yellow and they'd still go for it as long as it was moving! Cows and bulls are just naturally inquisitive animals hence coming to check you out!! Be more aware and watchfull of Cows that are in season (or have just calved), as a man, than Bulls! Our cow can only be fed and led in at night by women at the moment as men make her frisky!! :o)

Be warned heh heh heh.... ;o)
1594 posts

Re: Stones maketh the melody
Oct 26, 2004, 11:55
This electro-acoustic piece has a sample of Bronze Age horn - http://www.davidaspinall.co.uk/mp3/The_Stones_Are_All_There.mp3
2709 posts

Re: Stones maketh the melody
Oct 26, 2004, 12:37
That's an interesting website Mr Stonelifter
Andrew Fitzcoraldo, must be one of the campaigning Cumbrian fitz's
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