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How Did It Happen To You?
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1629 posts

How Did It Happen To You?
Aug 20, 2003, 07:59
How did you get into stones and sites? Enquiring minds want to know!

For me it was the boringly predictable story of being into Julian's music and slowly getting lead astray by his heathen ways - although in my defence I have to say that a friend of mine told me I'd love Long Meg many years before that...
1733 posts

Re: How Did It Happen To You?
Aug 20, 2003, 08:06
770 posts

Re: Ditto
Aug 20, 2003, 08:11
Hanging my head in shame amongst the luminaries that make up the TMA massive.

'twas because of one Julian H Cope and those great postcards he used to send out.

I do remember seeing rock carvings when I was young though <he says desperately trying to gain some cred - and failing>

The Werg
25 posts

Re: How Did It Happen To You?
Aug 20, 2003, 08:15
Down Tor...

The 1st photo of stones I ever took, there.

I had a very passive interest in stones before (I knew I liked them, but it was mistakenly directed at Trig Points!) until by sheer chance I visited Down Tor on Dartmoor on a gorgeous summer eve and next morn.

That's when I got switched on to being a Megarak.


The Werg
1629 posts

Re: How Did It Happen To You?
Aug 20, 2003, 08:44
I suppose there's slightly more to it than that, in that I've always been interested in the people who went before. At the age of eight I loved old bottles so I got all the old maps for the town I lived in and found out where the rubbish dumps used to be (in the olden days - Victorian times, I guess), then went there and dug up the bottles I sought!

Living in the countryside for most of my life's probably got something to do with it, too...
8112 posts

Re: How Did It Happen To You?
Aug 20, 2003, 08:51
Bottles! Old Maps! Victorian Rubbish Dumps! Hamiltons! Codds! Me too!
10943 posts

Re: How Did It Happen To You?
Aug 20, 2003, 09:08
One of my earliest memories is of climbing all over the stones at Stonehenge when I was a liitl'un. My parents used to take me places, the 'big' places, through my childhood, but only when passing them. There was no major effort to see them, it was just a case of visiting the ones guidebooks told us to - just like so many folks do today.

When I reached my late teens and found out about certain ... erm ... plants that like dark damp places ... cough ... I found that stone circles were a great place to go and have some privacy. Being ever so slightly obsessive about my 'fads' I started going to as many as I could. Not for the reasons I do today, but simply 'because I could'.

Then there was a 12 year gap - a stone free wilderness - when I was a reluctant greedhead. It's amazing how obsessions can shift focus when you're one of those kinds of people :-)

After moving to Ireland I simply had to visit Newgrange. Well, you do don't you!? And I was devastated by the commercialisation of it. Also the fact that it and Poulnabrone seemed to be the only image of Neolithic Ireland that anyone had.

Hence megalithomania.com was born to try and bring the rest into the conciousness of the people.

Now my obsessive streak is back on track ... just in case you hadn't noticed :-)
1905 posts

Re: Ditto Moey!
Aug 20, 2003, 09:09
Julians Postcards.... and a visit to Avebury and Stanton Drew.
3024 posts

Re: How Did It Happen To You?
Aug 20, 2003, 09:18
I came to it quite slowly

....As very little girl in the 1960s, my Dad took us to Stonehenge. We parked at the roadside and simply walked up right up to the stones. I remember being totally intrigued, walking in and out of the stones, craning my head back looking up at these massive slabs and then my Dad saying, 'oh and they shifted some of these rocks all the way from Wales.... '

Later, as a teenager in the late 70s and early 80s, I became very interested in the Rollrights.... and I stumbled upon Castlerigg whilst on hols in the Lakes. The seeds were planted. In my 20s I discovered Avebury and Uffington. My (then) husband and me used to like taking our (then) babies on picnics to these places. We got really into crop circles in 1991/2. It all took off from there.

It had nothing to do with Mr Cope at all. I did rush out to buy a copy of 'Kilimanjaro' in 19wheneveritwas. I don't have it now. I don't have any of his music. I still LOVE 'Reward'.

I discovered TMA <the book> on Valentine's Day in 1998 or 1999 (can't remember which now) when me and my bloke went down to Avebury for the weekend. A chap behind the bar at the Red Lion told me about it. I was really intrigued that ex-new-waver Copie had got into archaeology! I remember finding it in The Henge Shop and flicking through it hungrily. Couldn't afford it. I had my eye on it for years! Treaclechops got her copy the following Christmas. I was SO envious! I didn't actually get a copy of my own until September 2001 when it was given to me as a 'leaving gift' from my last job.

I'm not ashamed to say that in many ways it has changed my life. I'm sure I'm not the only one.
8112 posts

Re: How Did It Happen To You?
Aug 20, 2003, 09:49
Lots of things, obviously, but the central one is the fact they’re an enigma. We live in a unique age where the predominant ethos is that we think we understand much and what we don’t others do, or will one day. It’s a non-human mindset for which our ancient brains are ill-equipped. (I know you’ll like this, Tombo!) So we encounter something, in the middle of a twenty first century country, that’s standing there as bold as brass saying come on then, what am I?… you lot will never know, because our builders are dead and wrote nothing down, and half the clues are missing but we’re showing you just enough to let you keep guessing till Hell freezes over!
I don’t know that the builders meant it this way, but I see them as a gigantic V sign from them to us – we might be dead but we know stuff you’ll never know so don’t be so cocky!

Mystery is the only religion left to us. We aren’t designed to live without religion. So for me, it's my nature that calls me to the stones.
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