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Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 7 October 2012 CE
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Edited Oct 08, 2012, 23:03
Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 7 October 2012 CE
Oct 07, 2012, 01:52
Fleet Foxes - Helplessness Blues

Frank Zappa - Hot Rats

The Clash - London Calling

The Clash - Rat Patrol At Fort Bragg

The Walker Brothers - After The Lights Go Out , The Best of 1965 - 1967

Scott Walker - Scott

Scott Walker - Scott 2

Scott Walker - Scott 3

John Lennon - Walls & Bridges

Mississippi John Hurt - 1928 Sessions

Sound Dimension - Mojo Rocksteady Beat...

V.A. - Studio One Roots

V.A. - Studio One Rockers

V.A. - Studio One Scorcher

Godspeed You ! Black Emperor - Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend!

Tangerine Dream - Force Majure

Tangerine Dream - Tangram

Tangerine Dream - Exit

Tangerine Dream - White Eagle

Tangerine Dream - Logos

Tangerine Dream - Hyperborea

Tangerine Dream - The Keep

Ennio Morricone - L'Assoluto Naturale

Brian Eno - Apollo Atmospheres & Soundtracks

THTX - Ultimately

THTX - The Magic Frequencies

THTX - The Lost City

THTX - The Flickering Sky
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