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Paradise by the Dashboard Light
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Paradise by the Dashboard Light
Jul 28, 2003, 01:10
Had a pleasant Sunday evening in several pubs, sipping off the sharper edges to better meet the working week, & of course it's karaoke night in every pub I landed in. I've nothing against karaoke; like anything else, done badly it's a skitter but done well it's charming & brings folk together. If you don't want to listen, you can always leave. But when exactly did Paradise By The Dashboard Light become a duet for two women? It might just be a Glasgow thing, but it's always the last toon, & it's always two women singing. I don't want to come on like the General Synod or anything, but there's something not right there. Meat Loaf + oestrogen + football colours = some subtle boundary-bending that, frankly, is too much for a shattered mind on a Sunday night. Especially when T2 was playing on the telly behind the singers. Fact is truther than strange, sometimes.
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