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So we expelled the Russian diplomats for what?
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747 posts

So we expelled the Russian diplomats for what?
Apr 06, 2018, 20:47
Why the fuck isn't Johnson sacked for this? How on earth did most of the Western world fal! for this shit? What happened to proof? Why are we being manipulated so? Why did so many people believe it in the first place? Why do I feel, yet again, that I'm a sane person living in a mental world? Am I stupid? Am I arrogant? Am I deluded & befuddled? Is it all part of a long term plan? Are we really so bloody thick? Is it all gonna be swept under the carpet? Can we really be bothered?
3606 posts

Re: So we expelled the Russian diplomats for what?
Apr 07, 2018, 11:46
carol27 wrote:
Why the fuck isn't Johnson sacked for this? How on earth did most of the Western world fal! for this shit? What happened to proof? Why are we being manipulated so? Why did so many people believe it in the first place? Why do I feel, yet again, that I'm a sane person living in a mental world? Am I stupid? Am I arrogant? Am I deluded & befuddled? Is it all part of a long term plan? Are we really so bloody thick? Is it all gonna be swept under the carpet? Can we really be bothered?

I share your reservations Carol particularly about Johnson, what rational person wouldn't - one diplomatic blunder after another. Saw this old 'Yes Minister' clip earlier ... resonates (if you can bear the canned laughter).

Captain Starlet
Captain Starlet
1110 posts

Re: So we expelled the Russian diplomats for what?
Apr 07, 2018, 13:58
It's a complete and utter farce isn't it? He's lied to the public, knowingly mislead Parliament and caused a possible international crisis which should never have happened in the first place. Outside the EU we're going to need all the allies we can get and irresponsible behaviour like this only serves to make this country look ridiculous and untrustworthy.
447 posts

Re: So we expelled the Russian diplomats for what?
Apr 07, 2018, 16:22
Good find.

..another example of life imitating art.


I’d be surprised if they got rid of Boris, he’s just the man for the job. You can get away with so much more if you’re perceived as being a bit of a ‘bumbling idiot.’

You sound sane to me Carol..

It’s all theatre as far as I can see. No poisoning ever happened.
747 posts

Edited Apr 07, 2018, 19:03
Re: So we expelled the Russian diplomats for what?
Apr 07, 2018, 18:28
What I don't get is why so many other countries followed suit & expelled diplomats without demanding or waiting for definitive evidence & proof. I'm a low earning, lower income middle aged woman from Lancashire; if it was obvious to me that the whole sorry tale stunk of bullshit, & that even aside from that proof is required before making such radical decisions Im 100% certain that a large proportion of others involved in the governance of these various countries knew the same..so what is the agenda here?
Boris is & always has been the worst & most cynical type of politician. His " lovable" "bumbling" demeanour is disgusting..trying,& unfortunately succeeding to appeal to a class of people he knows fuck all about, & cares about even less. May daren't sack him..look what happened when she sacked Hunt. Look at the 1922 commitee..who ? I've never heard of any of the fuckers.Is Jacob Rees Mogg even real?..Jesus. We really are a ridiculous country.
Thanks Tjj& Amil..indeed brilliantly relevant. Hope all well.
Sorry about swearing.
447 posts

Re: So we expelled the Russian diplomats for what?
Apr 07, 2018, 22:19
Thanks Carol,
I’m a middle aged lower income man.
I think it’s time for a middle aged, lower income revolution! I don’t completely understand the in’s and out’s of it but this governments behaviour is truly treason. Check out the ‘New Chartists’ perhaps on this.
These people are always one step ahead, nothing in the theatre of politics happens by accident, rather by design. I find all the pictures of the Skripals regarding this story look staged. I mean look at the recent one of Yulia and the cat? “Look peps, here’s the cat!” Next to magnolia flowers resembling lilies. How fitting. Forgive me if the pets really did die.
Couldn’t if they wished just have quietly bumped him off in a car crash?
I don’t know what the exercise was/is about. They’re gauging something? Interesting to note that immediately prior to the Salisbury event a three week chemical/biological training excerise was happening in that part of the country..? Was this part two?
Are we a country anymore? I’ve heard it said and tend to agree that Brexit is a smoke screen for getting us even closer in with the EU! Our sovereign military will be no more. It will be merged with other European nations such as France. If a sovereign nation is no longer in control of its own defences, it is no longer a sovereign country. They’re clever bastards. Check out 21st century wire, uk column for more on this maybe. I’m not a fan of the army or the queen by the way, and sometimes wonder if some alternative news view on things is just more conditioning, by stealth?
Wheels within wheels. Now these a classic tune!
They got the out come of the vote they wanted. How on earth were people meant to decide on how to vote other than on an emotional basis? It’s like a doctor asking you “shall I remove your kidney or not?” How the fuck should I know!? Wether we’re in or out of the EU seems irrelevant. The same people will be pulling all the strings. It’s like being asked which pile of dog shit we’d like to step in...hmm, now let me think..
When one learns that ALL the manifestos, ie Marxist, Communist, Capitalist, manifestos were written and funded by the same people...well...
See Anthony C Sutton

Were being had. It’s too vast to talk about.

Forgive me staying earlier in the fact that the character BIff Tannen in the 1989!! film was based on Trump. I saw part of the film at a friends this afternoon and was struck by the similarity, so did a quick search. Do the writers of the future really know what’s going to happen so far ahead and script it in films? I hate to sound conspiratorial, conspiracy being a very loaded word, many switch off at the mention of it. I do believe though that there is a one world government agenda...which may sound alright? All ‘equal’? (Equality to me is becoming a rude word. It’s being subverted) Trouble is they want to kill all their enemies first...
This is why we see so much forced movement of people around the world. They’re mixing us all up, creating tensions, erasing countries traditional identities..it been years in the planning.
Once you see it there’s no going back.
If one has had any experience of seeing one’s true nature it all becomes easier to see.
Hence they’re doing everything possible to deny, distracted you from see this.
It’s like a ton of gold in the middle of the street which they can neither move nor hide. They can only distract you from seeing it.

We are one in mind but they continually tell us we are separate. Unity in diversity and all that nonsense. We’re one already thank you very much!

Governments come and go but the deep state government remains. They’re the ones really pulling the strings of people like Boris. Westminster is run on blackmail. It’s been said that Ted Heath was ‘blackmailed’ into signing us up to the common market in 73 (?) Politions with certain ‘persuasions’ are picked out at an early age and go far...I’ll leave the rest to the readers imagination. This has almost been admitted to.

Train of thought reply, I suppose I should read it back before posting but what the hell..
Please don’t think I’m here trying to ‘educate’ people...it’s just the same as music. If you hear a good band y’ wanna share it.

And sorry for all the ‘recommendations’ I feel I should stand on my own two feet to discuss things but these people put it far better than I can.

I’ll wonder wtf I was on about in the morning..


Oh just one more thing...

What’s behind our every deed and action?
Is thought ‘straight’ ? Is there actually a ‘fault’ in thought that has got us into this mess?
Thought divides, which is fine when dealing with, say, resources, but when it started to divide me from you...?
As soon as humans started sharpening sticks and shaping stones was where we are now all inevitable?

A subject for another time me thinks.
447 posts

Re: So we expelled the Russian diplomats for what?
Apr 07, 2018, 22:48
Ps. A little of Prof Sutton..couldn’t resist posting sorry..


Dodgy bastards
3071 posts

Re: So we expelled the Russian diplomats for what?
Apr 08, 2018, 12:30
Read Craig Murray's latest post, Portblimp Down. Yes this is real... yes this is UK 2018
phallus dei
583 posts

Re: So we expelled the Russian diplomats for what?
Apr 08, 2018, 13:15
The responses here, and the reactions elsewhere, show that you are definitely not alone. Perhaps some comfort can be gained from knowing that more and more people are waking up to our governments' lies? Back in the 70s, when NATO was carrying out terrorist bombings in Europe and blaming it on the Left (Operation Gladio), very few were astute enough to question the "official" narrative. But now, either because they've become more desperate, or more sloppy in their arrogance, or perhaps because we are finally waking up, the Lie is more difficult to maintain. I do hope to see the whole thing collapse in my lifetime, though the process is unfolding much slower than I would like. And for the case of the Skripal's, it doesn't bode well that the UK is refusing to grant a visa to the Russian niece. Their "convenient" death in the hospital is more likely than a government shakeup.

Meanwhile, it seems Assad has inexplicably gassed his own people again, just after Trump said America was on the way out...
447 posts

Re: So we expelled the Russian diplomats for what?
Apr 08, 2018, 16:25
Assad? Oh not again surely? Remember this...?


James Corbett sums this sh*t up rather nicely...


‘When false flags don’t fly’

* its Sunday.

Great piece by Murray by the way.
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