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The Sea Cat
The Sea Cat
3608 posts

Re: CS Gas at Peaceful Protest
Feb 13, 2011, 14:14
Merrick wrote:
The Sea Cat wrote:
For example, I could never be bothered/ arsed to hang around the Spectator, talking about political issues from a left wing perspective, purely to wind them up and get personally insulting. What on earth would be the bloody point ? I'd seriously wonder about myself.

And yet it's the nature of a serious proportion of message boards and comments the world over. It's clear that certain subjects on the Guardian site have co-ordinated comment attacks from those whose view opposes the general one that the articles and readership have.

It's easier to write criticism and insults than to write credible praise or do the work to engage and consider an argument.

I know of a band whose music is really beautiful and essentially non-political, yet they've actually had to suspend message board use on several occasions because it gets too heated.

I don't like it here when people resort to barbed sarcasm and insults (even though I've done it myself), and for the most part we can appeal to people's better nature here. Explaining that chest-beating and point scoring doesn't actually make anyone agree with you - quite the opposite - makes someone choose which one they'd rather have and 99 time out of a hundred folks here do re-engage. No matter what their opinion pretty much everyone who's ever posted here has reasons for their position and is smart enough to express them intelligently, and wants that position to be considered.

I do think we should pick one another up in a friendly and respectful way on inflammatory things as they start - this thread, which is by no means the worst ever, shows what happens when we don't.

I agree with what you say, and a few other threads, luckily not that often, have contained some seriously insulting carryings on, like a pub brawl escalating out of all proportion. Maybe if we all got together and nipped it in the bud. I try to stay polite and mannerly, but I've had my sarcy moments at presumed and actual insults. Glancing over the public comments just now on other broadsheets and publications, there seems to be a hell of a lot of deliberate trolling going on, far more than here, luckily.
214 posts

Re: CS Gas at Peaceful Protest
Feb 13, 2011, 14:46
Oh, great stuff... Those bells sleigh me every time!

Feel the love!

Now, what were we talking about?
2148 posts

Edited Feb 13, 2011, 14:54
Re: CS Gas at Peaceful Protest
Feb 13, 2011, 14:53
keith a wrote:
I questioned whether the authors background was suitable for the post in question

Well, they interviewed and hired him, and kept him on for five years. I don't think that means he was just twiddling his thumbs making stuff up.

keith a wrote:
I don't think he can have it both ways when he says "these statistics disclose a complaints system that fails to identify or punish the minority who abuse their office

I do. You rightly say it either means the complaint is unfounded, or else the complaint was badly investigated. You presume he had the power to oversee the latter. But we know the police get to do far more of the investigations than the independent folks; we also know they exonerate several times as often as the independents. This does indicate something amiss.

keith a wrote:
I also felt that the author of that article contradicted himself. His remark that the public can't call on the IPCC but that "Police officers are regular visitors to the IPCC, and staff make frequent visits to police professional standards (complaints handling) departments to discuss cases" makes the whole thing sound rather sinister IMO, whereas the reality of it is that this would be the officers leading the investigation not the rank and file, or those subject of the complaint.

You presume no officers comment on cases they're not involved in, nor do they have undue influence that prejudices the investigation.

keith a wrote:
Later he says "I handled the West Midlands, which has the second largest police force in the country, yet the IPCC has no office in the region, employs virtually no one from there and, since I left, has no commissioner resident in the region" which surely reinforces what I'm saying.

I don't follow you - where's the contradiction?

keith a wrote:
I guess what I'm saying is that the article is one persons view and it sounds like he has an agenda.

Anyone writing an article has a story they want to propagate, sure. The article is important because of its basic facts, that go unchallenged including:

- The police investigate themselves more than anyone investigates them. This is not a credible way for any authority to be scrutinised. The IPCC uphold several times the number of complaints than the police do.

- Only one complaint in 290 is independently investigated.

- Thousands of complainants appeal against local police investigation of themselves, but over 80% of the appeals fail.

- The IPCC is financially incentivised to rely on police resources.

- As the other article I posted says, the IPCC looks to the police for its approval ratings rather than complainants.

This cosiness is demonstrated by the way the IPCC repeated the police's false, misleading and dubious claims about Ian Tomlinson, Jean Charles de Menezes, etc. (when the Guardian posted the Tomlinson video the IPCC and police together went round to their offices to try to get them to take it down).
The Sea Cat
The Sea Cat
3608 posts

Re: CS Gas at Peaceful Protest
Feb 13, 2011, 15:33

( the joys of languidly combing otters whilst listening to Donovan... )
keith a
9573 posts

Re: CS Gas at Peaceful Protest
Feb 13, 2011, 16:15
Merrick wrote:

You presume no officers comment on cases they're not involved in, nor do they have undue influence that prejudices the investigation.

What I am saying is that the police who are speaking to them are the police who should be speaking to them. i.e. the people investigating, not just casual callers popping in for a cuppa and an attempt to influence.

Merrick wrote:

- Only one complaint in 290 is independently investigated.

- Thousands of complainants appeal against local police investigation of themselves, but over 80% of the appeals fail.

- The IPCC is financially incentivised to rely on police resources.

- As the other article I posted says, the IPCC looks to the police for its approval ratings rather than complainants.

This cosiness is demonstrated by the way the IPCC repeated the police's false, misleading and dubious claims about Ian Tomlinson, Jean Charles de Menezes, etc. (when the Guardian posted the Tomlinson video the IPCC and police together went round to their offices to try to get them to take it down).

Well I'm not sure if you're suggesting that an IPCC deal with every single complaint or not. I would have thought it would be financially draining for an organisation to deal with the likes of "I didn't like the tone of his voice" type minor complaints that are likely to make up a significant amount of complaints.

As for the high profile examples you mention, they're a different kettle of fish entirely. And if the IPCC are being 'cosied up' like that then it re-inforces my view that a background in housing and such-like is not the ideal preparation.
keith a
9573 posts

Re: CS Gas at Peaceful Protest
Feb 13, 2011, 16:37
The Sea Cat wrote:
I've been coming to HH for just over a year now, and don't know a lot of the personal politics/history etc, and I don't blog anywhere else at all.
I know that it's easy to misunderstand someone, and vice versa, and it should hopefully be equally easy to amicably sort out, but what I can't fathom on any of the sites here is trolling ( obviously I'm not referring to you, or Grufty etc, I'm just generalising here). What does someone get from going somewhere and enjoying starting a ruck or winding people up ? For example, I could never be bothered/ arsed to hang around the Spectator, talking about political issues from a left wing perspective, purely to wind them up and get personally insulting. What on earth would be the bloody point ? I'd seriously wonder about myself. It beats me, that's for sure.

Well there's a major difference between this site than others.

I wouldn't go on a Spectator forum either, but then I don't debate things on The Guardian one either. The difference here is that HH is made up of four different beasts. I came to it because I'm a fan of the man himself so I visit the idle chatter and the music forums. Because Cope's back-catalogue entails so many different facets it's attracted fans of many different genre's. I guess I come from the post-punk angle and the songwriter aspect, others are here because of his later dalliances with 'rawk'. Even this leads to disagreements, so asking us all to agree on something as personal as politics is gonna be a recipe for disaster!

Just because someone likes the type of music that gets discussed on Unsung, doesn't mean they have to conform to a certain political line. Neither does it mean that because someone likes Cope's music they have to adhere to his political views or that they can't take his Preaching Revolution material with a pinch of salt.

Consequently I tend to avoid this forum more than not because I don't like a lot of what I read - there's so much negativity and hatred, and the same old generalisations become tiresome. But every now and again I pop over and usually regret that I have. But I refuse to believe that my opinions are any less valid than others here, and although GP's views don't mirror my own I stand firmly in the camp that he should be allowed to voice them. Otherwise this site is nothing.
The Sea Cat
The Sea Cat
3608 posts

Edited Feb 13, 2011, 18:22
Re: CS Gas at Peaceful Protest
Feb 13, 2011, 17:17
Of course your views are entirely valid Keith, and I respect that, as are mine and those of of all. As for GP, so are his, of course, and I respect that. I only take issue with what I see to be a pre-conceived agenda re. lot of of his contributions here. There was a certain thread a few months ago that was a deliberate hand grenade and guaranteed to offend and upset, and the predictable effect was achieved. That I don't like, regardless of where it comes from. It's the manner and the intention that is so often transparent re. any discussion.

2148 posts

Edited Feb 13, 2011, 19:41
Re: CS Gas at Peaceful Protest
Feb 13, 2011, 19:41
keith a wrote:
What I am saying is that the police who are speaking to them are the police who should be speaking to them. i.e. the people investigating, not just casual callers popping in for a cuppa and an attempt to influence.

how do you know that?

how do you also know that those who come in on legitimate business don't attempt to influence other things whilst there?

How do you know that they don't unduly influence the case they're involved with?

keith a wrote:
Well I'm not sure if you're suggesting that an IPCC deal with every single complaint or not. I would have thought it would be financially draining for an organisation to deal with the likes of "I didn't like the tone of his voice" type minor complaints that are likely to make up a significant amount of complaints.

I tihnk many on the business end of dubious policing do not have any faith in the complaints process. I think it seems plausible that a lot more than 0.8% of complaints warrant investigation. I think the police investigating themselves will have a bias in favour of the police. The fact that they are several times more likely to be exonerated than when independently investigated supports that.

keith a wrote:
if the IPCC are being 'cosied up' like that then it re-inforces my view that a background in housing and such-like is not the ideal preparation.

Why not? People retrain in all kinds of things - the only background that should exclude an independent investigator is one in the police.
2148 posts

Re: CS Gas at Peaceful Protest
Feb 13, 2011, 19:43
keith a wrote:
although GP's views don't mirror my own I stand firmly in the camp that he should be allowed to voice them.

Absolutely, provided they are done respectfully and in a spirit of engagement. However, when he, or anyone else, says things that are insulting or just to get a rise out of people then he should be criticised and discouraged.
keith a
9573 posts

Edited Feb 13, 2011, 20:06
Re: CS Gas at Peaceful Protest
Feb 13, 2011, 20:01
Merrick wrote:
keith a wrote:
What I am saying is that the police who are speaking to them are the police who should be speaking to them. i.e. the people investigating, not just casual callers popping in for a cuppa and an attempt to influence.

how do you know that?

how do you also know that those who come in on legitimate business don't attempt to influence other things whilst there?

How do you know that they don't unduly influence the case they're involved with?

Because surely they'd risk losing their jobs. How many people would be prepared to do that in this day and age?

keith a wrote:
Well I'm not sure if you're suggesting that an IPCC deal with every single complaint or not. I would have thought it would be financially draining for an organisation to deal with the likes of "I didn't like the tone of his voice" type minor complaints that are likely to make up a significant amount of complaints.

I tihnk many on the business end of dubious policing do not have any faith in the complaints process. I think it seems plausible that a lot more than 0.8% of complaints warrant investigation. I think the police investigating themselves will have a bias in favour of the police. The fact that they are several times more likely to be exonerated than when independently investigated supports that.

keith a wrote:
if the IPCC are being 'cosied up' like that then it re-inforces my view that a background in housing and such-like is not the ideal preparation.

Why not? People retrain in all kinds of things - the only background that should exclude an independent investigator is one in the police.[/quote]

We'll have to agree to disagree. The 0.8% you quote is misleading. That refers to IPCC involvement, not any investigation. The rest - the minor complaints - are investigated by the police force concerned. As I understand it the only ones that aren't investigated is where it is extremely minor and the complainant agrees that it should be resolved with advice.

And whilst I understand why you say "the only background that should exclude an independent investigator is one in the police" sometimes it takes a poacher to catch a poacher. I would have thought that some knowledge of policing would be essential somewhere along the line.

Edit: Cos I pressed send before I'd finished!
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