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World Aids Day - 1st December.
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3606 posts

Edited Dec 01, 2010, 10:15
World Aids Day - 1st December.
Dec 01, 2010, 09:49
Elton John editing the Independent today.


For Michael.

A petition at this website to help stop babies being born with the HIV virus
2559 posts

Re: World Aids Day - 1st December.
Dec 02, 2010, 02:59
Good stuff Tjj for highlighting this cause!
3606 posts

Re: World Aids Day - 1st December.
Dec 02, 2010, 22:24
drewbhoy wrote:
Good stuff Tjj for highlighting this cause!

Thanks Drew, the first time I've posted on U-Know (I think). I know Aids is very old news and after a close friend died four years ago (having lived with the virus for 20 years) I switched off. Education and awareness are still vital; now, the prognosis is even better with the right drugs.

It was hard to come here; I did it in memory of my friend Michael.

6761 posts

Edited Dec 03, 2010, 11:31
Re: World Aids Day - 1st December.
Dec 03, 2010, 10:10
tjj wrote:
drewbhoy wrote:
Good stuff Tjj for highlighting this cause!

Thanks Drew, the first time I've posted on U-Know (I think). I know Aids is very old news and after a close friend died four years ago (having lived with the virus for 20 years) I switched off. Education and awareness are still vital; now, the prognosis is even better with the right drugs.

It was hard to come here; I did it in memory of my friend Michael.


Meant to post on this thread before now but this should never be allowed to become old news.

Of course it is not the sort of issue that gives people the inspiration to repaint police vans and throw a middle class strop against upper middle class protectionism. Animal rights issues have a better profile. Which is in itself very English.

Sad thing is that causes only stay causes in terms of public attention when the left or right can define the issue by a) telling us all how we should live and b) pointing the finger at someone else as the source of the problem. Neither side can do that on this issue as it will reveal them standing on moral ground just one step away from the religious right. So the issue gets ignored in terms of shouty political activism.

As in most other areas of life when it comes to getting shit done that really matters it is the non-shouty people who do all the heavy lifting.
2559 posts

Re: World Aids Day - 1st December.
Dec 03, 2010, 12:14
Glad to back you up Tjj. AIDS has affected so many people, a pal from Glasgow watched his brother waste away, so I saw a little of what goes on. Heaven knows how you deal with that. People should be more aware of this and other campaigns on the same subject. Cheers again, Tjj.
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