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opinions on last night's question time
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Re: opinions on last night's question time
Oct 23, 2009, 11:17
He looked like a twat to me, I mean in terms of his opinions and the entire program was virtually "have a go at the fascist". If you are going to have a debate/conversation and try to develop dialogue with the ignorant and bigotted, which is what the program I think was trying to do, place Griffin as the representative of the far-right and represent the other parties too. There nees to be less shouting over the fence at eachother, that wasn't dialogue (not that I'd expect it of Griffin) really. I do think over all it will have educated a fair few people about quite how stupid and bigotted the BNP are, those who've not really thought about they're own xenophobia or homophobia. We'll not get rid of nazi's like Griffin and more importantly those whoa re tolerant of himand his kind who we may work alongside or know in the places where we live without information or debate, and debate/dialogue means not turning it into have a go at the fuckwit or a slanging match neither side hears the other, not that the BNP have anything valuable to say but on a personal level until someone like that gets heard and gets the feedback can the move on personally and grow.

I still don't actually know if in fact the BNP are entitled under the law to representation on a public service TV in this particular program because of the number of votes they have collected in the last electoral cycles.

You can't stop these people having free speech, but once he's been invited onto a program like this to stop him appearing would give more succour to the nazis than it would letting him appear. It could have been possible not to invite him on and I still can't really work out which is best. Grufty has come out best in terms of coherence and reasoning on this matter on here so far imo, however once the cat is out of the bag - he'd got his invite he has to be allowed to appear and we just have to hope his vile opinions and stupidity have turned a lot of people off the BNP.

As well as exposing his (perhaps former) holocaust denial I'd have like to have seen information about the membership of his party, how many are also members of neo-nazi organisations such as Combat 18, the Klan in Britain etc, why were supportes of his party seen making nazi salutes to protesters at the BNP festival that has been taking place in Derbyshire for the last few years. Also don't think enough was made of the BNPs policy of prevention of interacial marriage/relationships.

What really saddens me is that there still is really no recognition that the "race" debate is based on a complete falacy, race does not exist, it is a theoretical construct created during a period where modernism (and therefore supposedly neutral scientific methods) were being used to examine/explain the human race (that is the only race term I agree with using). The other race related contructs such as aryan, dravidian, negroid (caucasian being a subset of aryan - or is it the othe way round) etc have been discredited by science, genetic diversity and the origin of our species is way way more complex than these simplification which were done supposedly impartially and then used politically to justify all sorts of idiotic stuff, both theoretically and politically. The only interacial beings I can think of are mermaids and centaurs, oh and Grendel's Mum in the Beowulf film. Fortunately there has been more programming on telly about this recently - The incredibel human journey, and there's another progam coming soon about "race" and intelligence on C4 I believe
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