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January drudion & I've had it with the Drude's xenophobic insinuations
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Bonzo the Cat
Bonzo the Cat
138 posts

Re: January drudion & I've had it with the Drude's xenophobic insinuations
Jan 07, 2008, 15:52
Nice rant shanshee!

Yes, the point is if I'm not mistaking, for instance girls' circumcision is not bound to the religion it happens under. It is a general tool devised by men to keep women under their control, like sowing the vagina shut pro-marriage in some parts of the world.

The problem is that religion/tradition can be used as an excuse to keep on doing something to others. As long as everyone uses religion for their own, internal, spiritual, benefit, I couldn't care less, even if personally think it's backward.
dodge one
dodge one
1242 posts

Re: January drudion & I've had it with the Drude's xenophobic insinuations
Jan 07, 2008, 15:55
I think that the fact that your e-mail address is the DUDE SUPREME is telling.LOL!
Bonzo the Cat
Bonzo the Cat
138 posts

Re: January drudion & I've had it with the Drude's xenophobic insinuations
Jan 07, 2008, 15:59
the one time I put it on a job app it did raise a few eyebrows, yes :-) mind you, there's one in Roumania too. as Christiophe Lambert once said though, "zewe ken be ownwy wan!"
2607 posts

Jan 09, 2008, 15:45
Destroying the Innocence of *any* child regardless of cultural or FUCKED UP belief systems is simply wrong and eviL!

sO *mOle* shut yer trap *u* MORoN!
6761 posts

Edited Jan 09, 2008, 19:25
Re: Mole...
Jan 09, 2008, 19:23
In the War on Terror and the Big Push, or whatever we call it these days, you can take out the word "innocence". Both sides seem perfectly happy simply destroying. Destroying children. Woman. Hospitals. Housing. Roads. Water supplies. Their innocence, or otherwise, it seems is kind of neither there nor there. Show me something or someone that either makes life worth living or just that shade less horrifying and you can bet that both sides are really happy blowing them to tiny pieces.
Bonzo the Cat
Bonzo the Cat
138 posts

Re: Mole...
Jan 10, 2008, 09:07
IanB wrote:
In the War on Terror and the Big Push, or whatever we call it these days, you can take out the word "innocence". Both sides seem perfectly happy simply destroying. Destroying children. Woman. Hospitals. Housing. Roads. Water supplies. Their innocence, or otherwise, it seems is kind of neither there nor there. Show me something or someone that either makes life worth living or just that shade less horrifying and you can bet that both sides are really happy blowing them to tiny pieces.

Genuinly happy people are less easily controlled and manipulated; you've got to make 'em live on the edge, and then tell 'em it's someone else's fault. Anyway: better education is, as always, the key. Learn people to select real from bogus info so that they can learn to spot when they're being fucked without lube. Education, education, and education.
6761 posts

Edited Jan 10, 2008, 10:04
Re: Mole...
Jan 10, 2008, 09:59

If people are housed, clothed, fed, educated (however basic by comparison) and they can see the genuine prospect of a better life for their children then they have no incentive to go anywhere in numbers.

Most people want to live in the land they were born in / on and they leave most reluctantly. Migration (like conquest) is driven by economics. Individuals generally do not migrate to spread their faith or ideas. They migrate in numbers in order to eat on a regular basis or to simply survive war and tribal conflict.

Face it no one ever seems to have a problem with people who come here to study at university or to invest and start businesses regardless of their racial background. Bigotry is as much about economics as immigration.
2607 posts

Re: Mole...
Jan 10, 2008, 10:49
...I am just praying for the never never I guess
i.e. world peace and dope!

Hold my hand...this plane is juddering.

(((Onwards to Oblivion)))

p.s I still think Mole is a fOol of the highest order!
Popel Vooje
5373 posts

Re: Mole...
Jan 10, 2008, 16:41
cHARLIE wrote:

...I am just praying for the never never I guess
i.e. world peace and dope!

Well, I know where you can get world peace for a tenner an eighth, but you're right - there does seem to be a bit of a post New Year dope drought going on at the moment doesn't there?
2607 posts

Re: Mole...
Jan 11, 2008, 10:16
A henry fer a tenner? Blimey bargain!
The cunts down here are trying to charge £25 for a henry.
But I know a man who sorts me out! ;)

Have a great 2008 m8.

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