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So why are you a veggie?
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Re: So why are you a veggie?
Jan 27, 2001, 22:59
perhaps they would prefer you to be a humanitarian?
Squid Tempest
Squid Tempest
8763 posts

Re: So why am I still not a veggie?
Jan 28, 2001, 15:09
good on yer shrimp - at least you're trying which is more than can be said of most folks. It sounds similar to my position re smoking ciggies - I know I shouldn't, and can't justify it at all, but I just don't have the motivation to stop. The best I can (currently) hope for is to cut down (although as I type this it seems more like a cop out on my part!). I think conciousness of what we do is always a good sign - just thinking about making things more righteous is better than total ignorance. And at least you are aware of the limitations - much better than (for instance) a person proclaiming that they are a veggie when they eat fish and stuff. I hope you get a taste for all things veggie as a consequence of your efforts!
Peace and Noise,
Moon Cat
9577 posts

Re: help!
Jan 28, 2001, 18:32
Has anyone got any ideas to make vegetables interesting? This is an honest plea. Could you also bear in mind that I don't like nuts and carrots, swede, turnips and parsnips have the unfortunate effect of making me hurl if I eat them. Oh, I don't get on with a load of beans and pulses either. Also, leave out tofu 'cos that really is the devils own spunk.
However, spuds, mushrooms, peas,peppers, tomatoes and onions rock. It's the other stuff I don't like. Not mad on cooking either. Will happliy do it for more than one, but get bored if its for me. Sorry to be awkward.
Moon Cat
9577 posts

Re: help II
Jan 28, 2001, 18:48
Oh and this is very important: NO CUCUMBER involvement!! That green, vicious bastard is my comestible arch-foe! How does something so wet and bland manage to taint every sandwhich it manages to infiltrate? I shall not rest until it is obliterated from every menu in the land. That stuff makes me want to bite a cow's face off!
As as for fucking beetroot eeeeeeeeuurrrrgh!
Buzzard of Morfe
196 posts

Re: help II
Jan 28, 2001, 18:57
Dear Mooncat, after studious consideration of your aversions, I fear that excluding nuts and pulses from any vegetable based diet is wholly inadequate for ones health. Do you like brassicas? (no, it's nothing to do with boobies!) ah, what the F£$$%! Eat cow face, it's your best bet. You kids, so fussy! ;-)

Someone DID mention recently that roasting veg in olive oil with a dash of tabasco works well, and it does! I have recently taken to saving potato peelings and frying them in 'Kick Ass' oil (olive oil infused with habanero chillies and garlic). I haven't thought of a name for this deee-licious and eye watering side order as yet. But trust me, it rocks!

Bee Brassica'd x
46 posts

Re: help II
Jan 28, 2001, 20:56
mmm, beetrooooottt! and swede! how can anyone not like swede?!? mashed with lashings of black pepper and a swodge of marg! yum!

but i'm not surprised, moonie - everyone knows cats can't be veggies, which is why i can't bring myself to have one, even tho i desparately want to fill the gap left by max (best dog in the world ever), and haven't the time for a dog.

so forget the cukes, stick to green cheese!
miaow! x
Annexus Quam
926 posts

Re: help II
Jan 28, 2001, 21:24
that long list of yours must keep you busy most of your daily life! why don't you just eat and stop trying to figure out what is what? I remember my brother's habit of searching through the food in his dish until he finally found what he hated!

just enjoy
Annexus Quam
926 posts

Re: So why am I still not a veggie?
Jan 28, 2001, 21:41
Herr Shrimp

I think what puts people off is notions of guilt or shame. Still, as you say, if we all behaved in a compromise kind of way by eating less meat then things would turn out fine and it would at least damage the industry.

Had the recent petrol restrictions any effect on the populace? The 70s oil crisis should have been EVEN worse to have prevented what is happening now. Is CJD having an effect on the meat industry? Certainly, lots and lots of losses for them and I am glad. If the US and Japanese economies go to hell then should we be celebrating? 'Clever' voices will tell me it will have a repercussion on us but I fail to see any easier solutions to the planet's afflictions. What's more evident, the 'repercussion' is already upon us without production even receding one bit. The yobbo in power will never do anything about it so the ma will auto-regulate herself by creating Chaos.

Enjoy it then!
Moon Cat
9577 posts

Re: help II
Jan 28, 2001, 22:24
Trust me dude....it doesn't keep me that busy. In fact just take, me, add fried parsnips and withing seconds you are guaranteed an instant Jackson Pollock-esque masterpiece on whatever surface happens to be the nearest.
Swede and beetroot are pretty evil too...though not as insidious, devilish and malevolent as cucumber, which is the devils cock manifest on earth.
Annexus Quam
926 posts

Re: help II
Jan 28, 2001, 23:34
'the devils cock manifest on earth'

my selected phrase for next week, which will be used in various diverse circumstances, with your permission

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