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Annexus Quam
926 posts

Nov 25, 2002, 22:56
Hi, been away from a proper internet connexion (and a proper home) for a while. During my itinerant three summer months (re)visiting ancient sites throughout the whole of the West Country I felt extremely attracted by ALL of the tors in Kernow, neglecting the sites themselves, climbing one after another, thereby delaying other plans. Not that places like Merrivale and its amazing mixture of features (and rustling brook!) or freak buggers like only-observable-through-binoculars (from windy Nun's Cross, at the end of a road) Down Tor are not within the list of 'most inspiring experiences', but there's just something about the tors that MUST have inspired that whole late-megalithic wholly barbarian culture populated by ghosts and spirits of the moor.

Where-ever u are on the moors there appears to be the everpresent Tor. Roughtor, for instance, is visible (though distant) from most circles in the area, like Shannon circle, or a beautiful mountain god (name forgotten, no energy to check OS maps) rules over the mystery of Boskawen Un, the Un, the One, just as you get to the end of a long road past the chimney thang (and NOT via Men an tol).

Now, within the confines of most of these tors there are what would seem - in other parts of Europe - to be rock-cut tombs (?) , but my impression of these places is of pretty neat shelters designed for their use as shamanistic oracles. One tends to think of those old armenian hags that STILL in 1991 performed as shamans in the middle of the Caucasian desert, confined to a tiny space, half covered, their eyes blinking in the darkness.

There is a possibility that the Tors where more than just a 'natural sacred space', but a holy gorsedd. After all, the one to the west of Roughtor is, surprisingly (and contrary to the megalithic trend of 'leaving the natural temples' to themselves), surrounded by a huge cairn, amazing as an oddity in the whole of Kern-all. Still today, modern folks are attracted uphill and en masse to wonderful fairy-like places like Hound Tor.

What possibly made me smile with glee the most was to notice the cupmarks at the top of the Cheesewring. They just can't possibly have been unnoticed so far. It's just like those families that keep the roof of their bedroom covered in glowstars. Another logan stone and another gorsedd, an abode of the gods, where the shaman went for advice and vision every once in a while, weather permitting.

Great to see the Modern Antiquarian website has become so...erm, great to behold. Loads to catch up on in there methinks.
2709 posts

Re: Ker-Now!
Nov 25, 2002, 22:59
Welcome back AQ matey.
Squid Tempest
Squid Tempest
8769 posts

Re: Ker-Now!
Nov 26, 2002, 09:13
wb AQ - good to hear from you again, glad that all seems to be OK!
Sounds like you've had an interesting time of it...

10943 posts

Re: Ker-Now!
Nov 26, 2002, 10:53
Hey! Do I take it you had fun then?

So sorry to have missed you by a day, way beck when !!

Them there Tors are amazing things. There are several at the north end of the Wicklows that are very suspicious in their untouched-ness. Afterall, these things are piles of great orthostat material in a passage tomb landscape! Why weren't they taken down, carried away and consumed into a structure?

TMA? .... erm yeah, it's been busy alrighty! Loads of new names and lots of great posts. I don't envy the task of catching up on that lot :-)

Love on ya dude AQ

Catchya soon
2992 posts

Re: Ker-Now!
Nov 26, 2002, 12:15

AQ!! So good to see you back. We be (fates willing) spending Yule in Cornwall with me mind-blowing mom-in-law (she's so right-on it hurts her own ears, she writes to Blairgh and a multitude of broadsheets on a daily basis, oh yes).

Need your vibes now, Morfeticia is in hospital undergoing two weeks of tests, my heart is going so hard it hurts :-(

Razor Penguin
84 posts

Re: Ker-Now!
Nov 26, 2002, 19:51
The Quamster is back! An intuition told me to pop in here & check, and sure enough, there you were.

Will pop you a line when I get myself together. Welcome back.
Annexus Quam
926 posts

Re: Ker-Now!
Nov 26, 2002, 23:15
Thanks fourwinds, i'm sure next time will be a deliberate attempt to get together; tho' i doubt it when i think about the way people like you work on-field - you tend to cover 70-100 sites a day and then vanish off the area leaving only a trail of sweat! I spent almost a whole day amazed at the shapes of Kenidjack Tor from all angles, you know, another pile of boulders that looks like a weird godlike citadel in the Cornish countryside. I tend not to move and when I do I move like a drunken turtle.

"Why weren't they taken down, carried away and consumed into a structure?"

U-Know!!! There was plenty of nearby un-touched material around... easy to push and let drop downhill for use on stone circles and other megalithic paraphernalia.

Tors in Wicklow!! Any pix on your site or other ones? And any info on Irish gorsedds in general?

Love on ya too,
Annexus Quam
926 posts

Re: Ker-Now!
Nov 26, 2002, 23:19
Wow, Fitz and Razor again together in a thread for the second time!! So great to see your names and Master Squid's again. Glad to know you're fine and hope all is well. Love, AQ.
Will get in touch, promise.
Annexus Quam
926 posts

Re: Ker-Now!
Nov 26, 2002, 23:22
Damn!! hope it isn't bad, hospitals make me sick!
Your words have brought a nice smile to my face, says Mrs Q. I'll be in touch soon. Best wishes Morfeticia and yourself. AQ
Squid Tempest
Squid Tempest
8769 posts

Re: Ker-Now!
Nov 26, 2002, 23:59
morfe man - multivibes heading towards Morfeticia right this moment...hope all work out fine. stay in touch.

p.s. extra strong vibes these btw, I've just got back from yoga...
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