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"Not quite what we thought we were getting"
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6224 posts

May 23, 2014, 12:41
nigelswift wrote:
Yeah I agree. I confess my initial reaction was to be a bit snooty about how little they knew, but then it struck me - that's exactly the attitude a lot of archaeos take towards us and this website!

True, but if you give a tomb a 1 star review because it's not a very nice "house", it won't exactly encourage other visitors! People will just see the 1 star and no bother going to see for themselves.
Incoming Traveller
Incoming Traveller
218 posts

Bizarre concept
May 23, 2014, 14:01
I didn't realise anyone would put a visit to a sacred site on Trip Advisor (seems crass to me), but then I did a search on the Merry Maidens stone circle near me in West Cornwall. One reviewer describes it as 'cute', another as 'just a bunch of small rocks'. When I want to check out a site I come here or check other megalithic websites - for useful info!

Thanks for the laugh.
2897 posts

Edited May 24, 2014, 08:59
May 24, 2014, 08:56
Well here is a much better reviewer, there again she comes from America.

Washington Post on "Searching for Stone Circles in all Kinds of Weather"


I know exactly how she felt trying to find the Hurlers in the fog and rain and it is only two minutes from the car park!
4670 posts

May 24, 2014, 10:32
moss wrote:
Well here is a much better reviewer, there again she comes from America.

Washington Post on "Searching for Stone Circles in all Kinds of Weather"


I know exactly how she felt trying to find the Hurlers in the fog and rain and it is only two minutes from the car park!

The only safe places at Minions in the fog are either the Cheesewring Hotel bar...or the main track past the Hurlers. At least you know where you are or where you are going to :-)
Howburn Digger
Howburn Digger
986 posts

May 24, 2014, 22:14
thesweetcheat wrote:
nigelswift wrote:
Yeah I agree. I confess my initial reaction was to be a bit snooty about how little they knew, but then it struck me - that's exactly the attitude a lot of archaeos take towards us and this website!

True, but if you give a tomb a 1 star review because it's not a very nice "house", it won't exactly encourage other visitors! People will just see the 1 star and no bother going to see for themselves.

I really love the utter banality of the Tripadvisor site. Bundling archaeology sites next to someone reviewing how poorly a 16 year old burger-flipper served them a Zinger Burger at the KFC in Paisley... or how great an Avacado and Stilton Cob was at a Marks and Spencer Cafe in Norwich. And having people review these things using whatever criteria they wish and then spread a generous layer of their personal prejudices on top... It is genius!

I do find it hilarious.

Stonehenge being described as "a bit too old and knocked about". There are any number of reviews of scottish monuments (eg. The Scott Monument in Embra) which describes them as "too high" or "the stairs are too steep". There is one of the mountain Ben Nevis which describes it as "A hard walk" there is even one which reviews the mountain thus...
"Ben Nevis is certainly worth seeing. We didn't do the hike... The camping and cafés at the bottom are very pleasant."

There are some real niche reviewers though, some who specialise in reviewing the soap type, hot water and availability of soft toilet rolls or otherwise in cafe toilets. I remember reading a review of a B&B which raved about the Imperial Leather Soap in their room and how it was "a high end item" and not the usual "cheap supermarket brands" found in other B&B's.

Embrace the nonsense. I think am going to review Crichton Soutterain and describe it as "a bit dirty and dark".
6224 posts

May 24, 2014, 22:22
Brilliant, you've made me see Trip Advisor in an entirely new light. I look forward to reading your reviews.
Howburn Digger
Howburn Digger
986 posts

Re: Trip Advizor...
Jun 10, 2015, 16:51
"You have to laugh" says Kintail Mountain Rescue... a Northampton couple didn't quite know what they were getting either...


Too steep. Too High. No pub, restaurant or toilets at the top... be warned... the Summer Season is upon us... and Trip Advizor is back!
6224 posts

Re: Trip Advizor...
Jun 10, 2015, 17:59
Hahaha! I realise where my fieldnotes are going wrong now. My expectations are too realistic.
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