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Slaggyford Stones .
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Re: Slaggyford Stones .
Sep 11, 2011, 10:38
nigelswift wrote:
Well being a Doctor he'd have seen it direct but he didn't think of it as anatomical, he was into serpents big-time and establishing a connection with proto-Christianity.

"The form of that stupendous work is a picture of the Deity, more particularly of the Trinity, but most particularly what they anciently called the Father and the Word, who created all things ... A snake proceeding from a circle is the eternal procession of the Son, from the first cause ... My main motive in pursuing this subject is to combat the deists from an unexpected quarter, and to preserve so noble a monument of our ancestors' piety, I may add, orthodoxy."

Something that has always puzzled me is that although he was supposedly prone to imagination by many but was ultimately proven correct over the authenticity of the Beckhampton Avenue, the 'tail-end' of the snake in the Fox Covert area is still very much open to doubt...yet Stukeley would not have been the only living person to have seen this if it existed, so why wasn't he called a liar at the time? If the tail didn't exist others would have said so at the time surely?
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