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Wild life sightings at ancient sites
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Edited Jan 21, 2010, 16:03
Wild life sightings at ancient sites
Jan 21, 2010, 15:59
Whenever I go out locally around Avebury/Wiltshire Downs I always see something in the way of wild life that makes the walk memorable.

I was going to add this under the Funny Stories thread but thought I take the chance and start a new one ... if no one answers, no problem.

Two or three years ago I was walking up Waden Hill at Avebury; the track was next to a field of bright yellow rape - suddenly a brown creature charged past me on the other side of the fence. Taken by surprise for a split second I recall thinking 'that's a bloody big hare', realised later it was a muntjac deer. My first close up of one but have since seen them a few times.
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