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Re: perceptions of reality
Jun 07, 2006, 20:03
>> As for the list obsessives, spot on. They might as well be collecting trig points

Gerroutovvit! There's room in the world for folks who want to see as much as possible. These folks soon get to a point where they start to revisit and see more. I was one of them way back when.

>> My recommendation is to visit an area or site that you like again and again.
>> Every revisit repays with more insight and enjoyment.

Too right! I am constantly being surprised when I revisit sites. Thing is, the more you've seen elsewhere the more you notice about a site when you revisit it. It's fine to stick to one area, but by travelling far and wide and then revisiting an area or site will bring you far more reward. I've noticed things at sites on the third or fourth visit that I wouldn't have ever seen if I hadn't seen a few similar sites hundreds of miles away.

Localities do need people who specialise in them, but somewhere down the line someone needs to tie it all together.
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