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Encouraging responsible metal detecting
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Re: Encouraging responsible metal detecting
Aug 01, 2005, 22:08
>I just think that if banning something outright just because a few people don't like it would leave society open to all sorts of abuse. Where would it stop?

No more roads are to be built.
No more houses...........
No more offices............
No more schools..........
No more hospitals........

Where would line be drawn?<

I'm not going to get into a slide on this, basically because it's not a Metal Detectors forum, and I have made my position clear (and I have to go and wash up!). I would just like to say that all the instances you cite in your response are decisions made by representatives of elected goverments, put in power by the consensus politics of this country, acting in the belief that they have the interests of the country (or at least the bit they support) at heart: like 'em or loath 'em, someone voted for them.

Conversely, the people who scavenge item's that are part of this country's historic heritage, just so they can to flash them to their mates over a beer in the local, run the risk of reducing our ability to further our understanding and knowledge (and thus our sharing and connecting with) of our ancestors at risk*. They act purely on their own say-so, under their own beliefs, and without a thought for anything other than their own self-importance (after all, they know what's best for us!). I applaud the measures put in place for voluntary recording, by organisations and individuals, and I applaud Heritage Action's campaign to spread the word to the MD community at large. I hope it works, I really do, and I'll look forward to many evenings munching on vast quantities of humble pie.



*Apologies for being a pompous tw*t, BTW
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