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Re: No topic.
Jul 21, 2005, 14:03
"I don't think Avebury has any inherent significance to modern paganism, so I don't believe pagans (whatever they might be) have any real claim to it as such. But on the other hand, I can see why it has a 'new' significance for emerging spiritualities that prioritise a connection with the land and our ancient heritage."

Nor do I, so do I. Sort of......

but what has it got to do with dressing up in mediaeval gear? (the middle ages were a Christan time,no?) - I could kind of understand it at the winter solstice because it's cold and it's the pantomime season but in mid-summer?

I trust the pagans would extend the same largesse to Christian fundamentalists (or even, GOD FORBID, muslims) if they started to have outdoor services there too...

Actually, I don't mind pagans and in fact have a sneaking sympathy for them, but I really don't get the fashion and it always seems such a partial and sentimental re-imagining of the past (no human sacrifice for instance as far as I am aware)........

and muslims are cool too - to save any misunderstandings..
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